Burn These Walls

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Fire always had a symbolic way of destroying things. It didn't matter how fast you put it out or how quickly you ran from it, it took everything in it's path. It took the floor, your belongings, the air, an even your soul. Smoke and ash clung to bodies like a weighted blanket. Wood and plaster crumbled from their structure's, crashing down against the heated ground. From the outside the sounds of sparks and wavering flames could be heard. The vibrations of the roof caving in erupted the otherwise peaceful air. All he could do was watch as the fire took the place he had called home.

Dick watched the flames roar from all the windows. He couldn't see the curtains anymore or any pieces of furniture. They had already been claimed. The blaze was so strong he could feel the heat from where he stood. Although he hadn't been in the mansion when the fire stared, he was still covered in ash. All the onlookers were too. It was falling down on them. It was almost like the aftermath of a volcanic eruption.

Despite the sounds of the infrastructure collapsing, there was the sounds of the large hoses the volunteer firefighters used. They yelled frantically at each other. "It's not going down!" And, "Get another truck over here!" Between the commands, the neighbors whispered to each other. "How did one of Gotham's richest families go to hell?" They gossiped. The flicker of camera flashes and the news reporters rambling nonsense blurred in the back of his mind.

Dick recalled memories. He remembered the first time he had stepped into the manor. He was small, scared, and in mourning. He snuggled his stuffed elephant against his face and held onto Alfred's hand. When they walked into the mansion, Dick didn't even pay attention to how large the building was. All he paid attention to was Bruce, who looked bigger than God. He was so afraid.

The next memory he recalled was the moment after Jason's funeral. He remembered the whole Justice League seated in their living room. Some people mingled to fill in the unexplained, empty space. Other's stared off in space. Bruce has been no where in sight. Dick was forced to talk and take in all the, "I'm so sorry for your lost."

For some reason he remember their first family game night. Damian, who was three at the time, had threatened to kill Tim after he lost in Connect Four. Jason and Barbara got into an argument about Monopoly. She punched him in his jaw in less than five minutes. Cassandra and Stephanie observed the chaos from afar. Dick remember looking at Artemis. Bruce had invited her over for unknown reasons. The archer was playing Jenga with Alfred and Dick's father. They all looked so happy. He could never shake the overwhelming fuzzy he felt that night. The memory of family made his lips flicker up, but that was sort lived.

With all the good, the house was full of evil, depressing scars. The brutal trainings, the nightmares, and the silent screams were ingrained in his mind. Jason's death, the loss of Barbara's legs, Tim's torment from the Joker, Dick's breakdown, and the fall of Batman stuck to the walls like wallpaper. And the more the oldest son watched the fire take the home, the more he believed the flames were cleansing it. It was taking over the pain, blood, and poisons. The inferno seemed it like was healing all the heartaches the family had experience. Dick couldn't help but be grateful for it and find it strangely beautiful.

Dick felt a hand against his shoulder. He turned around and looked at the person, half expecting it to be a news anchor wanting an half-assed interview. To his surprise, it was someone he wanted actually want to see. And when she opened her mouth, her voice sounded like heaven.

"Dick, you okay?" Artemis asked him. She was still in her pajamas and she looked as if she had been running. She probably had been. The street was backed up from the countless television vans and the new fire truck that was attempting to pull in. She definitely had to park a few blocks back.

"Yeah, it's just a house," Dick said with a voice crack. Although he was grateful to see the manor burn, it still upset him. He had lived there most of his life. His family had called it home. To Dick it was family. It had pictures, Christmases, other holidays, bedrooms, and heirlooms that belonged all to them.

"It's not just a house. It's your home," Artemis wrapped one arm around his shoulders and held his head with one hand. Dick buried his face in the crook in her neck. The comfort it brought was indescribable. It almost made it feel like it was only them in the world. Almost.

He swallowed the knot in his throat and held onto her as hard as he could mange. He could smell the ash on her already. With the smell on her and him, it made him almost queasy. That smell held so many bad memories. It was the smell that finally took Jason's life and the smell that finished hers, too. It was even the smell Bruce took himself out with. Now it was the smell that murdered the man's house.

"I hate the way you smell," Dick whispered into her shoulder. Artemis released him and grabbed his hand instead. She didn't question why. He felt bad for what he said, but he couldn't stand it anymore, "And I hate how I smell. I despise how this house smells."

The blonde nodded. It was easy to understand, "We can go right n-

-But I want to watch it burn. I want to watch it all burn down until the pain is gone," Dick interrupted her. She didn't question that either. He needed this.


A/N: My number one celebratory post! I hope you guys enjoy it <3 Lol I promise I won't mention it again. 🙃 Thank you guys as always.

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