All Hail

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"I think I'm going to lay down ... THE LAW! Justice is constantly be served under this realm! It's like a freaking McDonald's up in this bitch!" Artemis yelled as she climb onto the kitchen island. She pointed down at him and wore a face that a naive criminal would wear. Dick got on his knees and begun to bow down to her.

"Yes, Lord Artemis. What is the first law we shall enforce?" He bit his lip to contain the laughter that threatened to spill. Honestly, he didn't know how they had gotten to this point. He took her out for a really nice dinner and returned home to watch some of their favorite movies. They ended up making out through most of them, which lead to the removing of clothes. Now they were both in their underwear, wearing hats made out of tinfoil, her on the counter tops, and him on the floor.

The blonde placed a hand on her hip as she declared her first rule, "I say we behead all those who enjoy the company of snails!"

"Yes, my Lord!" The raven responded as he stood up, "What will our second law be?"

"Anyone who inhabits the realm of Olympus shall follow the three strict branches of government. Those three branches are the the archive branch, the warrior branch, and the me branch. While working in the archive branch, all you do is write about my greatest achievements. Like breathing! The warrior branch is full of my finest warriors! They slay all those who don't like pickles! And last but not least, the me branch is where I create my laws. I carve them into sticks! If one of my subjects disobey my branches, they shall be sent to death!" Artemis jumped down onto the ground and strutted over to him. She pointed a finger at Dick's bare chest. "And you shall join my concubines!" The archer declared. She looked too proud of herself.

Dick dropped his smile and placed his hands around her forearm, "You wanna go there," He wiggled his brows at her. Artemis rolled her eyes all-so-dramatically and sashayed back to the counter. Instead of standing on it, she sat on top of it.

"I want sixteen wives and fifteen husbands. Chop, chop," She clapped her hands together and turned her head so she wouldn't face him. This time Dick couldn't control himself. Laughter poured out of him. He laughed so hard that his stomach hurt and that Artemis joined him in his fit of giggles.

After a good couple of minutes, Dick walked over to his girlfriend and laced his arms around her shoulders. Artemis wrapped her arms his torso and held him tight. "Hey," She smiled up at him.

"Hey," He smiled back, " ... So you're into role play now? Cause I'm down with that," The blonde's face went flat and she dropped her arms.

"Really?" She kept blankly looking at him, "I can't believe you said that. We were having a moment."

Dick shook his head, a grin spreading across his face, "Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood."

Artemis scoffed at the boy wonder, "It's fine, you perv. Any who, since we're on the topic of activities in bed, I'm tired. Lord Artemis declares it's nap time and anyone who defies that order shall sleep on the couch!"  Dick chuckled at her before he picked her up bridal style.

"Oh no, not the couch!" He cried in false fear. Artemis chuckled back at him, playfully hitting his left peck.

"Take me away, Prince Charming."

A/N: I read a writing prompt and it inspired this one-shot. I don't know who posted it, but shoutout to them.

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