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"Club owner? I never thought that was your preferred line or work," Dick smirked at her. Artemis rolled her eyes at him as she unpackaged glass cups.

"It isn't. Oliver was going to hand over Verdant to Will, but Will wanted to start his own business. Ollie helped Will get an extreme business loan, but felt bad that he didn't do anything for me. He offered me the club until I graduate from the academy. It's the best opportunity I have right now," Artemis shrugged, "Honestly, I think he just feels guilty."

"About what?" The acrobat raised an eyebrow at her.

"We haven't seen each other outside of missions for the past seven years. When Will found out he was clone and had that whole crisis, Ollie left me. Why do you think I was trained by Dinah? I never felt bad about it, but he certainly does."

Dick nodded in understanding. After Will found out he was clone, the emerald archers never really talked. Every time Oliver would visit her in the medical bay, it was extremely awkward. There was so much tension in the air that you could cut it with a knife. Oliver had to feel guilty. He wasn't there for her when her mother kicked her out, or when she moved across the country to go to school, or when her boyfriend of five years, Cameron, cheated on her. (Everyone despised Cameron, but that was a different story.)

Dick snorted, "Trust me, that man smells like guilt from a mile away. Artemis rolled her eyes at him as she tossed the now empty box onto the dance floor.

"As I said before, I don't care. What I do care about is opening night," She smirked at him. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"When's that?"

"Tonight. And you know what would help? If Dick Grayson, the infamous playboy, showed up."

He faked gasped and touched his heart, "Are you using me as a marketing play?" The blonde nodded. His false expression of sorrow turned into a smirk. "I'm never turning down a party," He held his hand out for a high-five and they slapped hands.

Dick smiled as he walked up to her, "This party definitely kicked off with a boom!" Artemis rolled her eyes at him and started to pour him a glass of liquor. Him and Artemis had snuck into Verdant when they were in high school. Frankly, drunk people didn't care if you were a national superhero dancing the night away. It was never this packed, energetic, and full of music in the past.

"See, my marketing ploy worked perfectly," Artemis chuckled as she slid the glass across the bar, "The ladies love you."

"And the men. The Dickster don't discriminate," The brunette giggled. He was definitely tipsy. He remembered the first time he got drunk. Wally, Roy, and him all got matching elephant tattoos. Zatanna and Raquel got it on video and played it at his 21st birthday party. It was tragic.

"Did you just confirm your bisexuality?" The archer's smirk dropped and she looked at him seriously.

Dick nodded, "I really wanted to put my babies in Wally ... And in you."

"What!?" She yelled.

"Oh well, no time to explain. You need to have fun! Let's go introduce the people to Verdant's awesome new hostess!" Dick snatched her wrist and quickly dragged her away from the bar. Artemis yelped as he continued to drag her across the dance floor. They went up to the DJ booth and Dick grabbed two microphones. Then he dragged her back to the bar, and placed her on it. After that, he jumped on it.

"Ahem!" The Boy Wonder hummed into the microphone. The music was brought to a low volume. Usually this would be followed by complaints, but he was able to captivate the crowd's attention. "Hello everyone!" He exclaimed, "I would like to welcome you all to the grand reopening of Verdant! Tonight's very special to me because I'm can now come here legally! My best friend's a cop, so I probably shouldn't say that in front of her. Talking about my best friend, I would like to introduce tonight's hostess. Everyone please give a hand to Artemis Lian Crock!" The crowd started to go crazy, and Artemis was sure she would shrink into herself. Dick pulled her up and switched on her mic.

"Welcome to Verdant, everyone!" Artemis smiled at the crowd. Everyone cheered back and Dick was sure to pick up some catcalls. "Shoutout to this dick, literally, for being here to night. And since it is opening night, all drinks will be on Verdant. Now turn that music back on!" The people certainly enjoyed that response and once the music cranked up, they went right back to dancing.

Dick switched off their mics and smiled at the blonde, "You can do that?"

"Of course I can. Oliver was going to purchase a water slide, so I'll use the money for that," She shrugged, "Taking about music, you're going to dance with me."


The party lasted all night. Dick had only gotten tipsy, so he got sober throughout the night. Artemis was completely wasted. She was typically held back at parties, but it was as if all hell had let loose. It kinda was his fault though. He encouraged it. He was pretty sure she ended up making out with some chick and ate a whole container of watermelon. He ended up staying over at her place and trying to get her sober.

"What happened?" Artemis muttered as she stumbled into the kitchen. Dick had waken up before her, obviously. He made her toast with raisin bread, Nutella and scrambled eggs inside. Her wrists rubbed her eyes harshly. He could tell she had a killer headache.

"You got wasted. Don't worry, I got you home before you could do anything else stupid," The raven snickered at her. Artemis pealed her arms away and looked at him with fear.

"What did I do?"

"You ate all the watermelon and you almost got laid by a chick. You almost texted Cameron, as well."

"Cameron!? Oh god," The blonde sat in a stool and took a deep breath. Dick bursted into laughter.

He wheezed, "I'm kidding about Cameron, Mai. You loosened up for once in your life. You drank, had a fruity snack, met a snack, and your good ole' friend brought you home. Here, now eat." He slid a plate over to her and Artemis immediately started to dig into her toast.

"Mm! This is really good," She hummed in approval. Dick definitely knew she was hungover and let her eat in peace. When she finished, she was the first to talk. "Thank you, Dick. I liked loosening up. And thank you for bringing me home before I could do anything more stupid."

He smiled at her, "No problem."

"But why did you want to impregnate me?" She snapped.

"Uh oh."

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