In the woods

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They poked and prodded at him for what seemed like hours making him turn in a circle and looking at all his features. Even though this has happened before, and even though I know that it shouldn't bother me it does. 

His face is tight with focus and he keeps glancing at me with his smoldering brown eyes. 

"He seems good enough," Momma says, I draw a breath in and out, shaking my head and feeling a slight sting. 

"I think he would make good children," Lana says smirking. There's a tick in Res's jaw. 

"Go, get out of my sight," Momma says to Res or should I say, Angelo. He nods his head as he scurries away.

"What do you think Tera?" Mage asks me her brows knitted together on the top of her forehead. 

"He seems nice," I say gulping down water. Keep it together women! 

"You seem sick, you okay?" Nanay says. I nod my head yes. 

"I think that I'm just going to go outside get some fresh air," I say,  Nanay watches as I go outside and I hear the loud voices as my family discusses the merit of their newly acquired slave. 

My vision goes blurry as I start to rember Brendon I hear the whip in my head I hear his screams, I hear mine. 

I break out the door and gulp down air counting to steady my breathing. In 2-3-4, Out 2-3-4. I look around surrounded by foliage, why did my sister decide to live in the suburbs why not the city like a normal person? 

I walk into the patch of woods out back and walk until the house is only a patch of kaki in the distance. Night has approached and the sky turns a beautiful shade of violet. I think of how Aria would love this color. 

I slow my breathing leaning my head on the side of a tree slinking down to the ground. I sigh content to be alone. 

I breathe in the air to smell...smoke? 

"Hey this patch of wood is taken sweetheart you'll have to find another." I look up to see Res standing over me looking down a smirk on his face and a cigaret dangling from his hand. I took a deep breath this is not the person I wanted to see. 

"You know those things will kill you." He took a deep drag blowing out rings of smoke to emphasize his stance of indifference. 

"How do even get them." He smiles down at me. 

"I have my ways." Uhhg why was this guy so infuriating. 

"So Angelo huh?" I ask him. 

"No it's Res that's just the name on my birth certificate." I nod. 

"So is it like a nickname?" I ask him. 

"Something like that." He takes another long drag and I wrinkle my nose. 

"Don't give me that look, princess." 

"I'm not a princess." 

"Oh yeah? Well, let's think lives in a big house, Mommy rules the world. Hmmmh what does that add up to oh yeah right princess." He says pointedly. 

"What do you think my life is easy." 

"Well I know it's better than my life." I stand up angry for this boy for talking to me like this. What does he know about all the things that I've been through? Who even is he anyway. 

"I can tell you it hasn't been all fruitcake and dandelions that's for sure," I said crossing my arms. 

"If you think that whatever has been happening in your happy little world has gone bad well boo hoo because I'm here to tell you that other people have real problems." 

"Like what?" I yell at him throwing my arms in the air.  

"Like being sold to be raped and then killed to some godforsaken whore who only wants me to make a baby."

The air around us goes silent. His arms fall to his sides and his eyes go wide as he realizes what he said and to who he said it to. 

"Hey look...look I'm sorry I didn't..." My muscles tense as I think of all the terrible things I should do to him for insulting my sister, he should be punished! But then I see his expression, I see the absolute terror in his eyes and I just simply can't bring myself to do it.  

"It's fine," I say waving my hand all the anger that I felt is slowly evaporating. He sees it too.

"But is it really that bad, I mean my sister is a nice person." He looks at me slowly his expression tight.

"Sure she is." He takes the cigarette that was dangling from his fingers and put it in the ground kicking dirt up around it. It first burns red then black as it flakes away into the ground. 

"See you around Princess." He says as he stuffs his hands into his pockets and walks out into the forest.

 Leaving me alone as the darkness begins to envelop me. 


Hey my dudes, 

I'm sorry that I didn't update this Friday, I promise that I will try to be more consistent. I love you guys to pieces thank you so much for reading you guys are the best. Shout out to  user25429020 for inspiring me to write. 


The Scribbler 

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