My Trial

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They dragged me into the Council Hall, and I felt thousands of eyes pressed upon me. I get a profound feeling of deja-vu only about half a year ago, I was sitting in this chamber watching a similar scene unfold. I feel so guilty for dooming Nim, how could I have been so narrow-minded? 

I look around the hall and I spot Nanay and Lana, both of them sobbing next to them sits Mage and Carla gripping each other. A guard kicks me in the spine and I sink before the podium looking up at my Momma. She looks down on me, and instead of anger, her expression is absent as she looks at me as if I'm not even there. 

"Ladies we are gathered here today to witness the trail of Otera King- Wang. For the charge of aiding thousands of slaves to escape into freedom and heterosexuality." Momma's voice shakes as she speaks the words. 

The crowd is silent, all dressed in black. It is the loudest silence I have ever experienced.   

"Four days ago Ms. King-Wang was found in the slave quarters running through the streets aiding another slave to move others on to busses that brought them to rebel lands. And several people have come forward with separate accounts claiming to have seen Otera and I quote 'passionately kissing' the same slave." People gasp in the crowd, some even go as far as to boo at me and calling me obscene names.  

"Do you deny these charges?" Momma asks me peering down and me below her. 

"No," I say feeling completely at peace with my words, as I get to my feet and meet my mother in the eyes.  People gasp in the crowd, some even go as far as to call me obscene names. 

The gate next to me opened and a boy was dragged out limp in the guard's arms, battered and bleeding. 

"Res!" I scream. When I see him all my resolve leaves me. I begin to run to him but another guard catches me and grabs my leg twisting it so that my bone pops out of my knee. I scream in pain tears running down my cheeks as they ruthlessly drag Res. 

"Angelo Flores, are you the slave that assisted in the escape of the slaves?" My mother asks, her voice cold.  I begin sobbing. He stumbles to his feet his face covered in blood. 

"I hope you burn in hell." He spits at her. How could he be so stupid? Nobody talks to my mother like that. She sneers. 

"Did you or did you not Mr.Flores, it matters not to me because the injection should activate in about five minutes. But for the sake of your life, you come clean so that you may die with a clean conscious."  My mothers say. 

"Yes I did it and I'm glad I did." He tells her. 

"Then I condemn you both to death." She says banging her gavel. "Who votes yes on this verdict." I turn and look at the crowd, every hand is raised. And I just stare at them a mass of people just as clueless as I was. And for a secound, I even feel bad for them. It, not their fault they are so cruel, But we can't change what our foremothers did we need to move on. I'm glad to be the first to change the future even if I must die. 

"The verdict is closed Otera King-Wang and Angelo Flores will be executed tonight," Momma says a single tear falling down her face. 

The crowd is silent as guards move to take us away, but the silence is pierced by a sickening scream. As I turn I see Res convulsing on the ground his skin beginning to turn black and ashy. He continues to scream so sickeningly it sounds like an animal. Cameras zoom in on him as Momma screams at the guards to take him away, but they are all reluctant to go near him. Finally, one brave soul picks him up and drags him away from the hall a trail of ash left in his wake. And I just stare after it unable to move. 

I register hands dragging me away, but all I'm able to feel is numbness. 

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