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   As I walked into the lab the lights seemed to white, to brazen. For some reson, I couldn't stop thinking about Aria, about Res. The way that he had hugged me that day when he found out Mage was pregnant. The way that I thought that if I only wanted it enough I could take away his pain. Because truth be told I had never felt this way about anyone before. All this emotion all of this pain, it had never happened before I met Res. 

It felt like someone dumped hot coals into me, and is trying to roast me from the inside out. I close my eyes, I wish the emotions would go away. I wish that they could leave me in peace. Instead, it's like they're trying to take me over and control everything that I do. But another part of me, the more dominant part wants them to continue.  

I lean my head against the smooth hard cold glass, closing my eyes before I enter the office. 

Elena sits at the desk her eyes have crazed look as she studies all of the data on my computer looking at my findings. 

"Mrs. Aria-Black what do I owe the pleasure to?" I ask, Anusha my new partner for the project looks up at me, her eyes are clouded over and she looks deep in thought. 

"You girl are going to go down in history!" Mrs.Arias-Black screams throwing her arms in the air. 

"We've done it, we finally have." She says. 

"What we've done what?" I ask her confused about what she was saying. Walking over to her and placing my bag on my desk. 

"You've cracked it, my girl!" She said. "You've figured it out how to do it without them."

And that's when it hits me, I haven't been collecting data and designing new ways to redesign fish, I've been doing it for humans. 

"Mrs. Arias-Black?" I ask my voice shaking. 

"Please call me Elena." She says waving her hand it the air. "Your methods are revolutionary! We can do it, we can make the superior race once in for all without men." 

"Ma'am I've only tested this on fish, not on humans you could possibly think that..." 

"No it will work, if we just strip the two embryos down to the DNA and then we take the two Xs then we will be able to inseminate the embryo with a fake sperm containing the DNA of the other wife so we never need to use humans for the process again making sure that we-" 

"Will only have daughters." I finish. 

"Yes, my dear." She says fondly. "I'm glad I didn't fire you!"  She says laughing at her own joke. I laugh mildly with her, but she can tell that I'm not into it. 

"Now you an have to corner office you've always wanted, and everyone will know your name, Otera King-Ivory creator of the superior race!" She says excitedly. Mentally I begin to panic how could this have happened? 

I sit down on the chair. 

"Are you alright dear?" She asks me putting a comforting hand on my back. 

"Yes, I'm fine," I say to her, she grins wildly. 

"I'm going to go to the head of the lab and tell her about your findings I'm sure that she will be very pleased to hear the news. She tells me leaving me alone in the room with Anusha. 

We stare at each other and she scowls at me in disgust. 

"Congratulations on your accomplishment." She says I turn to look at her as she swivels out of the hall her long black hair swinging behind her as she walks out the door. 

"Anusha I-" The door slams behind her. 

And that when the tears come, the first tears that I had ever shed since the day Brendan was killed. 

I cried, and I cried for everything. 


Hey peoples, 

Wassup! I hope that you've liked my book so far. Please comment, like, and share if you like the story.

And a special thanks to @sjm-marvel-music - thanks for letting me use Anusha, she's going to go on lots of adventures. ;) 

Thank You Thank You Thank You for reading!!!!!! 

 I'll see you soon. 


- The Scribbler  

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