It's Almost Time

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       When I put on the dress it feels like a costume piece. I sigh as I twirl around in it. 

       Truly it was some of Aria's best work. The white silk seemed to swirl off of my shoulders like water. Ivy was intertwined in the gold of the dress to signify the two of our houses joining together. 

Tomorrow I would receive my grant for my first house, I would recive my official occupation, although I'm pretty sure I know what they'll give me. Although most important I will be joined with Aria and we will be married.  

I think out of all those things that is the scariest. 

Because tomorrow is when it all changes. I know it was designed to make my life easier and less stressful because all of my needs in order to make my life happy would be laid out for me, but instead it just made my life more painful because tomorrow I make the decision, tomorrow it becomes real. Even though in reality I am not making the decision for myself, it was planned for me. 

I look at my reflection. Of me in a wedding dress, and I feel tears leak from my eyes. 

"Does it fit?" I hear the door open behind me as Momma walks into the room. 

"Oh baby, I love it too you look beautiful." She moves to hug me and I cry into her shoulder. 


"That seems very illogical." Elena says as she begins to move different ingredients into her mixture of sorts. 

I follow her as she begins to move throughout the room. 

"Don't you think it would be even more marvelous if we gave them one more night, something magical something to hope for and then it's ripped out from beneath them? I just can't wait to see the expressions on their faces as they melt to ash." I say, she looks at me a sneer on her face. 

"I guess it would be fun to see how those creatures react." She says smiling to herself. 

"You would be planning it too I presume." She asks, I nods in return. 

"Of course." 

"You are going to have a great future Miss. King-Ivy I see it now." I bow my head at the respect given. 

And as I walk out of the and into the spring chill I laugh to myself as I pull up my hood and begin walking the the rendezvous point. 

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