Momma loves me

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They locked me up for what felt like years because when you're in the dark you can't tell the difference. I slept curled up in a ball, and when I didn't sleep I did something that before I would have never done, I talked to myself like a lunatic. It was almost as if I was pouring out my soul. I talked about pizzas and talked about Momma I talked until my voice was raw not caring that it sounded worse than nails on a chalkboard because down there it was only me and the rats that plagued the place.    

But eventually talking became too painful, and I couldn't even move out of exhaustion. I think only a week maybe less has passed but it somehow feels like more than that. I haven't had water or food in days, some say that hunger is what causes the most pain but now I know that isn't true the need for water is so much more powerful. 

After about a week into my veneer of silence, the door slamming open cut through the silence. I scrambled through the bars hoping that they would take me to my trail because I couldn't take any more of this I needed food and water.

Although instead of the military a dark hooded figure appeared in front of me.

"Baby!" A warm voice exclaimed. 

"Momma?" I asked excitedly she held out her hands and I melted into them even though I knew that this was the women who are now my enemy. She then reached into a satchel and passed me a sandwich, fruit and a liter of water.     

"Eat fast baby becuase I got to take those with me once you're done." She says hurriedly. I barely register her voice as I immediately chug an entire liter of water before promptly devouring the sandwich and fruit. 

"Now listen to me quickly baby, I'm gonna get you out of here. A woman is going to pick you up a few days before the trial and take you to a car. They're gonna drive you to a secure location where you'll wait a few days until it's safe to move you somewhere else under a false identity." I listen to her explain but instead of feeling grateful or excited I feel numb. 

"Why would you help me, Momma, I just aided thousands of slaves from being killed." 

"Well, of course, I'm not happy, and God knows what was running through your mind when you decided to do that. But a Mommas love for her baby never dies. No matter how stupid her baby might be."

"What about Res," I ask her. 

"He can burn in hell for all I care," Momma says her voice dangerously low. 

"Heres your trash, but I'm not going to leave with the women. Unless he gets saved too. For all, I care I could burn in hell but not him." I tell her. 

"Why do you care so much about that animal, he's disposable but you baby I can't lose." 

No Momma he's not." I tell her. She sneers.

"Fine have it your way," Momma says growling at me. "Because your not my daughter anymore." 

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