In the Slush

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 My backpack was slung over my shoulder as I was walking away from school. 

Recently I had only been going for half days due to my independent study at the lab. Really all that I took was math, science, history, and English. 

I watched as everyone started walking towards the cafeteria, most tables were deserted with different people all going to their own assigned occupational independent studies. And out of respect for the seniors, none of the lower classmen even dared to come near to our tables. Some freshman even opting to sit near the trashcans instead of where we normally sat. 

I tugged my coat over my shoulder as I walked outside into the cold air, I could tell spring was on its way as I observed the snow changing from deep white drifts to more of a slush. 

In history, we learned about how the snow was almost a thing of the past when climate crisis arose but thankfully for Kathryn Tonsor we were able to completely reverse the effects of the climate crisis that the people of Earth had denied interest in for so long. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Ter!" I swiveled around to see Aria in front of me, her pale face flushed and her green eyes wild. A pencil and pieces of fabric were stuck in her hair. Recently her occupation that she had begun to take part in was that of a fashion intern. She had enjoyed it immensely. 

"Hey, Aria." She draped her arms around my neck and gave me a quick kiss. 

"It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!" She says breezily. 

"Ya I know it's just that I got-" 

"A new job at the lab? Ya, I know." She says giggling. 

"But we really need to start spending more time together, I feel like I hardly see you anymore." She says tucking a hair behind my ear. It feels wrong even the slightest touch and every second that she's here in front of me I think about Res. I think about the way that he touches me. How it feels like electricity running through my veins, but when Aria touches me I feel...nothing.

"I will I promise. I just really need to get to the lab, we're doing experiments today and I really need to be on time." I say. She nods as if she understands. "Thanks," I say kissing her on the cheek before beginning to walk away. 

"Wait!"I hear her yelp. I turn around to look at her. 

"We need to talk about what we're wearing to the Ball!" She demands. I panic, I hadn't thought about the Engagement Ball, was it really only a couple of weeks away. 

"To be honest I hadn't thought about it," I say. She frowns. 

"I know your busy with your work but you really need to get on top of these things." She says. 

"I know." 

"Well don't worry I have the perfect dress in the making for you. You are going to be fabulous!" She titters. I giggle at her excitement. 

"Well I know I'm in good hand," I say. 

"That you are." She apprehends kissing me on the lips. 

"I love you, Tera." She says to me looking up at me with her beautiful green eyes. And I pause for a minute and I just can't say them, it feels like I'm lying not just to herself this time but to me too. 

"Right back at ya," I say winking at her, she giggles satisfied with the answer but for some reason, I can't muster the smile to go with it. She begins to run away a pencil in her hair late once again. 

And I walk away into the cold and slush. 

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