A sea of black VS girl in white dress

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    I lay awake all night pondering the words that I had spoken to in the bathtub. What had I done wrong? Was it something I said or done, and even if I had done something why did it make me average? 

 It startled me how much I wanted to impress this slave. All my life my main goal had been to blend into the shadows. And when I did stick out to have it be purposeful and extremely well planned out. But for him, I wanted to be everything but average, and at the same time, I wanted to be me. 

But why did it matter he was a slave anyway. And not just any slave, my sister's slave. 

I watched the early morning light dance on the dreamcatcher in Lana's room. Band posters covered up pink walls that had bear stickers on them. Unlike me who as soon as I could process on a higher level wanted to change my room, Lana had wanted to keep hers the same. The only thing changing was what hung on the walls. 

I closed my eyes trying to silence my thoughts by listening to the sound of Lana's soft snores when the door to my room swung open. 

"Girls wake up," Momma said hurriedly dresses in her hands. Lana kept her eyes closed even though I knew that she was now awake. 

"Wake up Lana," Momma said shaking Lana by the arm. I sat up in my sleeping bad already tying my hair away from my face. 

"What is it," Lana asked.

"There's been a conviction. A young girl was found last night with a slave they were naked and engaging in sexual activity. But worst of all he was not her approximation." Momma said a business like. 

"Do I have to go," Lana said turning over onto her stomach and burying her face in her pillow. 

"Yes, as part of the family of the Overseer it is important that we project a united front in moments like these so that the world knows that its leaders are level headed and family women," Momma said. Lana groaned in her pillow. 

"Get up and change, be down in ten," Momma said handing us each black dresses. 

"Momma why black? We don't know how the case will end yet." I said staring at the tight fitting dress. 

"You know what the punishment is for a crime like this hon," Momma said before closing the door. 

I tried to walk to the bathroom but found that it was already in use. 

"Lana get out I need to take a shower!" The door remained locked. 


"Get your own bathroom!" She yelled the shower began running. I screamed as I walked to my room slipping on a clean bra and underwear before pulling the dress over my head. 

I walked over to the mirror, I looked like I was going to a funeral. 


  We walked into the Council Hall and took our seats. 

I remembered the last time I was here. I got chills thinking about all the pressure that was mounted on me that day. I look around and see everyone dressed in black, the mood of the room is almost pliable as I watch women sit down somberly through the hall. 

I shiver a little as I sit down next to my little sister who is on her e-phone texting her friends. 

"Show some respect," I said to her grabbing her phone. 

"Hey! I was using that." She says trying to reach for the phone. I push my hand into her face, pushing her away from me as I begin to read the texts out loud. 

"Hey Ashle what are you doing tonight have any plans?" I giggle. 

"Who's Ashle?" I ask. 

"Give it back." She squeals loudly. Her voice echos through the hall and she blushes a bright fuchsia as everyone turns to look at her. Nanay giving her a disappointed look. 

"Screw you." She says. I chuckle.  

Momma moves to the stand at the middle of the podium signaling for the cameras to turn on. They all flick on their red lights as everyone positions their cameras in Mommas direction. 

"Ladies, we have gathered here today to witness the trail of Nusiba Ali-Brown and Fernando White. For the charge of Heterosexuality." 

I gasp at the recognition of my classmate's name. The girl that I had known all my life, who had sat at my table as we all began to reach for popularity. The girl whose hair was always perfect, who always had her makeup done flawlessly. 

The girl who is dragged on to the stage before me is not that girl. She's not even close. I gasp at her wild hair and eyes. Her torn white dress and her tear-streaked cheeks. A women gasps in the crowd. I turn and see Mrs. Ali-Brown being cradled in the arms of her wife.

"Nusiba was found last night naked in a closet by her own mother, committing sexual actions last night with a slave who was not her approximation. Do you deny these charges."

"No," Nusiba says looking forward. Her face was completely blank of emotion.  

Next, a boy was dragged on the stage. He had pale skin and a head full of wild black hair, his eyes were completely dead, and it was almost as if I could see all the pain that he has lived through in that single expression. 

"Fern!" Nusiba said. He looks up and his entire face seemed to light up just at the sound of her voice. She runs into his arms and he tenderly hugs her as women begin to pull her away. 

"Enough!" My mother yells. The hall seems to catch its breath. 

" Fernando White did you rape this girl," she asked 


"No, he didn't," Nusiba said. 

"It was done out of our own free will." She said standing in front of my Mother completely fearless. 

"So you admit to committing the crime of heterosexuality." 

"Yes," Nusiba said. 

"Do you realize what the punishment is?" Momma asks.


"Then I condemn you both to death." She says banging her gavel on the podium. 

"Wait, No! Not him he didn't do anything. NO! NO!" She screams running after the guards as they drag the boy out of the room. 

"Contain her!" My mother says, two guards, run over to Nusiba grabbing her arms and covering her mouth. She writhes in their grip trying to get away any way she can still screaming completely hysterical. 

"Who votes yes on this verdict." 

I watch as the entire hall raises their hands, even her mothers. I see my sisters raise, as well as my own. An entire see of black against one girl in a torn white dress. 

Momma looks out at the crowd her face completely blank of any emotion. "Verdict closed. Nusiba Ali-Brown and Fernando White will be executed tonight." 


Hey my lovely readers, 

Thank you for reading my story it means the word to me. Get it punny. 

 Anywho Wow, I can't believe I already hit 143 it's crazy. I really hope that you have enjoyed it so far and please just keep reading I promise that this is not the last that you'll hear from Tera. 

PLeAse pLeAse comment guys, I mean it. I would love to hear from you, even if it's the stupidest crap ever. I really want to know what you guys think so that I can make the book better for you, and get to know you.


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