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        I woke up and my head ached, and as I tried to move my arm it resisted against me and felt as if I was trying to pull up a bag of lead. I groaned and rolled over to look at my little sisters sleeping form but she wasn't there, instead I looked around and found myself in my own room.

I walked out the room slamming the door behind me not caring that I was in my pajamas and didn't have a bra on. I walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where my mother sat her head in her hands a glass of whiskey in her hands. Wasn't it early for her to be drinking. But then again what day is it? The last thing I remember is going home from the library, eating dinner and .... Oh my god taking the pills. What had it done to me! 

"Where's Mage?" I ask Momma who is slumped on the table, she looks up at me her eyes ringed in red. 

"She left yesterday with Carla and the slave, she said she needed some space." Momma said rolling her eyes. She wiped her face groggily and then stared again at me with confusion. 

"Why are you awake baby, you should be in bed resting the big day is only in two day and you have been sick for the past two weeks." Momma said standing up and moving me towards the stairs. 

Two weeks! I'v been out for two weeks! How is this possible? I had come home yesterday, what had I missed? Where's Res? What did they do to him? Is Mage pregnant again? My mind was churning so hard that I just sat down on the stairs and started screaming. 

"Baby, calm down." Momma cooed trying to rock me back and forth. I put my hands to my ears trying to block out the sound of my own thoughts. 

"Make it stop Momma! Make it stop!" I cried but the thoughts just got louder, it almost felt like they where sprouting legs and crawling all over me. I rocked back and forth, and looked around the room as it began melting in front of my eyes. 

"MOMMA! THERE EVERYWHERE!" I said, my eyes felt so big like they where going to pop out of my socket. 

"Just take a deep breath baby. Everything is okay. Your just sick and hallucinating from the fever. Have you taken your medicine yet today? let me give it to you and we'll see if that helps." She said calmly offering me her hand before trying to lead me up the stairs. 

I almost excepted it before I remembered the pills! They had been what was making me sick, not some dumb cold but those damn pills. 

I ran downstairs. 

"Tera you get back up here." Momma called after me, but since she already had too much booze in her system as she began to walk down the stairs she began to teeter over. But with my heightened drug induced senses it almost looked like she was a monster bursting out to come kill me. I screamed as her face transformed from my mothers to a devil with teeth. 

"Come here baby." She said. I moved back from her shaking, as I moved towards the back door my coat. 

"Get back." I told the monster as my shaking began to get worse. I opened the door and ran out into the chilly spring air. 

And then I ran, I ran harder and faster than I ever have in my life. Maybe in another world I would have been a track star. 

I passed by the library well aware that if I went there they would find me, my past hiding place no longer safe. 

I ran into the lab to look for my backpack, and as I ran in I began to hear screaming. Screaming so wild and foul it must have come from an animal. I ran towards my locker but noticed that the screaming was coming from the lab where the fish are. 

I walked towards the lab where all of the screaming was coming from and opened the door to find the source of the screaming. 

Granted it was probably not the brightest idea considering I was as mentally stable and as physically stable as a jellyfish but I was curious to see what was making that noise it was unlike any animal that I had ever heard before.   

But as soon as I opened the door all the eyes of the room fell to me. 

"Dr. King-Ivy!" Elena said. I was surprised to have her address me so informally. 

"Uh hello, I was just here to pick up my backpack I had left it here a d-week ago." I said. 

"Oh your mother said you where sick. I expected not to see you for a few days." She said. The room seemed to sway so I leaned up against the back of the wall. 

"Well I'm only here to pick up my things although I was curious to see the experiments that where taking place here." I say to her, she nods. 

"As you wish, Dr." She said nodding her head. This was beyond bizarre maybe I was hallucinating. 

"I wasn't actually going to tell you until you got well but I suppose now is fine." She said. 

She motioned me towards the door, as a bunch of other doctors who where also in the room stared wide eyed at me in my pajamas pants and coat.

Then she walked past the computer and into the restricted room. 


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