Chapter 3

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I completed checking all the files in under 20 minutes. Maybe that'll cool him down. Geez why does he have to overreact so much just because I'm late. In my defense, I wasn't even late. In fact, I was five minutes early.

I sighed and went in to his office. Let's just hope that he's calmed down a little.

He looked up cluelessly. Then his eyebrows furrowed.

“Did I give you permission to walk in without knocking?” He remarked.

“Sorry, sir.” I smiled sheepishly. Truthfully, I just wanted to rip his face off. How pissed off was God when he made him!

He looked at me and then at the door.

I raised my eyebrows as I couldn't comprehend what he was intending.

“Get out and come in after knocking. Rule no. 2. Only come in when I tell you to come in.”


I quickly got out, knocked, muttered profanities in my mind and came back in.

“Sir, the files.” I placed them on his desk.

He was reading them and I leaned closer to look at them too.

“What are you doing?” He snapped.

“Hmm?” I asked cluelessly.

“Okay Rule no.3. Always maintain a distance of two feet from me, you understand?”

I've dealt with a lot of shit before but this kind of shit was the shittiest shit I've ever seen. That's why I couldn't hide the surprise on my face when he said this.

He noticed. “Rule no.4. I don't want to see any of those extraordinary expressions of yours. This is a workplace, not a drama class. Okay?”

Is this guy even real? How is he Mr.Park's son?

“Rule no. 5. Reply to me at all times. Whether I ask you, order you, command you, call you, text you.….. And you shall not address me by any names other than ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr.Park’, got it?”

He looked at me and sighed. “Are you deaf? What did I just say?”

“Oh y-yes, sir.”

“Rule no.6. Maintain a notebook for all the rules I am telling you. There will be quite a few.” He finished,  expecting me to say something.

“Yes, sir.” I quickly replied.

“That's all.” He said as he continued to look at the files. I was pretty sure that I had made no mistakes in going through the files, so at least he can't reprimand me for that.

Postive things! Y/N. Think of positive things.

He read through the files and gave me a glare.
Well shit then. I gulped. Did I make a mistake?

“Who the hell will arrange them in numerical order?” He asked raising his voice. I couldn't spare time find the common sense in that sentence as I was trying to hold back myself from crying. This was all too much. Why was he shouting unnecessarily?

“I will do them, sir.”

“Please, will you,” he said sarcastically.

I quickly took the files from his desk and left his office because I knew if I stood there for another second, I would cry.

“And do them in about five minutes. You still have plenty more work to do.” he said.

Somehow I could feel him smirking but, then again, I was must be imagining it.


It was about five in the evening. It was usually the time I finished my work and went home when Mr. Park was my boss. But today, despite skipping my lunch, I still had quite a lot to do.

“Hey, Y/N,” one of my colleagues greeted me.

“Oh hey, Somin.” I smiled at her, looking back to my computer.

“You're still working?”

I nodded and smiled.

“Wow that's surprising, I thought the new boss was pretty lenient.”

“Nah, you're just telling that because he's hot.” I chuckled.

“I mean yeah he's hot but that's not the reason actually. During lunch, he came to our department's table and sat with us. He was pretty down to earth if you ask me. In fact I think he is much more sweeter than Mr.Park. Runs in the family, I guess.” She smiled.

I gasped. “Is that a joke?” I asked her seriously. “You have no idea how much torture he has put me through today, and this is just the first day. If you want proof, here's your proof.” I said eyeing my table scattered with files.

“Hmm. I don't know why you think that. Anyway I feel that he can surely handle the company well,” she said. This conversation was kind of turning into an argument.

“Really? Huh I think that he will be the doom of Park Internationals.”

“Meh. Gotta go. See you tommorow.” She bid farewell. I was thankful she dropped the argument.

“If I am alive.” I sighed.

Park Jimin, I am already done with you and this is just the first day.


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