Chapter 42

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“What are you going to do now?” Hoseok looked at you curiously after you just narrated the entire episode of your outburst. You came to Hoseok as soon as you left Jimin. You didn't want to go to Taehyung because you were afraid he would do something.

“Well, even if I die out on the streets I'm never going back there again.”

“Well, will you work for Taehyung now?”

“I don't know. I mean he'll probably drag me there.…but before that I'm just gonna take a break, you know.”

“Hmm… That's good….” He trailed off. He knew you wanted to talk about Jimin but he didn't want to touch a sensitive topic.

The sooner you forget the better…


Taehyung kept looking at you.

You knew what he wanted to say.

“Just say it already.”

“W-what do you mean?” He looked at you blankly.

“Tell me that I did a good job.” You rolled your eyes.

“I mean I'm no one to say…...but you did an amazing job leaving that company and him.” He chuckled.

“I do wanna sound very impartial and fair but seriously what's the point pretending? I am the most happiest man right now.”

You chuckled.

“So now that you are officially unemployed how about we consider that old proposal?” He leaned closer to you.

“I don't know Tae….” You bit your lips hesitantly. “Well, at least not immediately. I need a break from everything right now, okay?”

He smiled.“Of course..”

“But you better not treat me like that asshole when I start working for you.” You pinched his cheeks.

“Ow.... fine. Jeez.” He pulled your hands away.

“But I really don't know what Mr. Park will do if he comes to know.”

Mr. Park never called you.

Not until two weeks had passed.

“Hello, Y/N-ah..”

“Mr. Park.”  You didn't know what exactly to tell.

“I came to know you quit. What happened?”

“Uh..... things happened. Well, how are you?” If avoiding conversation was a test you'd get a -100 in it.

“I will tell you how I am when you meet me in person tomorrow evening.”

Well shit.


So now you were on your way to Mr. Park's house. You knew you were doomed. He was going to ask you questions and you didn't really want to answer.

You knocked on the door and you swear you ran all the way back to Seoul when you saw the person who opened the door.

He looked pissed. You avoided eye contact and went inside and sat on the couch.

Mr. Park came shortly after.

“So, tell me why you quit?” He had no emotion in his voice and that scared you a little bit more.

“Well… it got……boring?” You suggested.

Mr. Park sighed. He looked at Jimin and said,

“Did he tell you something?”

‘If he only knew of all the things his son did to me.'

You hesitantly looked at Jimin who was glaring at you.

“Tell me the truth. What did you do?” He now questioned Jimin.

Jimin pretended to be offended. “Why are you blaming me? It's she who quit.”

“Well, I know her. She wouldn't unless you did something?”

“Well, maybe you should try to spend some time knowing your son too.” There was pain in Jimin's voice.

After a couple of minutes of silence Mr. Park spoke again,

“Will you come back to the company again?”

You looked up at him. Jimin was still glaring. Well, he wouldn't want to work with me anymore. He must have been feasting the past couple of days now that I was officially gone from his life

“No. I'm sorry. I know I owe my life to you and I will always be grateful for that. And if you need me for anything else, any time, I will be there but please don't ask me to work there again.”

I expected Mr. Park to say something in protest but he just sighed.

“Okay…. I know you, Y/N. You wouldn't quit without any reason.”

You were glad he didn't force you. But also you were sad that he didn't force you.
‘Yes, I'm officially crazy.’

“But if you ever wanted to come back you know you are always welcome…..…after all it's your company too.”

You smiled..'Why is he so nice?' But unfortunately, his son wasn't like him and now you know that you can never set foot inside his company ever again.

He just smiled back.

You took your leave after telling him you'll visit frequently.

So that chapter was officially over. You felt like you were doing something really wrong. But then again, you feel that for everything.

You thought about Park Internationals. The work would be piling up. You regretted leaving that sudden. It wasn't fair to the company and it wasn't professional. But you had to leave.
Your grandmom always told you that you should never stay in places where you felt unwanted.

Jimin hated you.

And so you left.

He was an asshole too.

You stared out of the window in the taxi.. Busan was really a quiet city and this is how Park Jimin would also leave from your life... quietly regardless of the way he entered...

Somehow, it felt incomplete.... Like one of those story books in which some pages were ripped out.

You felt like there was so many things left for you to know. Maybe you were over thinking... Maybe you were just desperate to get one last good look at him...

And among those million thoughts that flashed across your mind in that short taxi ride to the airport, one question kept popping up.. A question that has been left unanswered for too long

Your entire flight journey was all about that question. You replayed several the scenes you remembered, trying to find an answer to that question....

As you stepped back into Seoul, you still hadn't got an answer...

But you decided to stick with the closest one you could get that was rational....

'Maybe he just hates me because, like he said.... I must be really ugly'


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