Chapter 22

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You quickly rushed to Jimin's room holding a notice which he had mailed to you.

“Are you serious?” You shouted at him.

He was already smirking. “I'm sorry. What do you mean?”

You read the notice out loud.

“                        NOTICE

All employees of Park Internationals are hereby banned from dating or being in a relationship with other employees of Park Internationals or employees from companies Park internationals has dealings with. This decision is brought about to maintain professionalism among companies and to increase the efficiency in the working process of the employees thus aiding the progress of the company.   

‘Progress of the company, my ass. He is trying to make my life miserable again.’ You thought.

Jimin looked at you as you read the note in a tone of disbelief all the while trying to hide his very, very clear smirk.

“SIR, this is preposterous. Why is there a dating ban? That makes no sense.” You were totally done with his child's play.

“Well, it is my company so I don't think I need to explain to you why I do what I do.” He said pretending to be uninterested. He was enjoying it. Clearly.

“Well, we never had one till now and we were having enough ‘progress’ up till now.”

“There is never enough ‘progress’. There's always room for more. Come here.” He pointed to his desktop.

He showed you an article about how office relationships can affect the ‘progress’ of the company.

“Does this have something to do with me and Taehyung?” You quickly asked. You hoped he would show some kind of an emotion.

He just looked at you blankly. “Why would it have anything to do with you two? I could have stopped you from dating him.” He simply shrugged, “And please, you both aren't even real.”

“What do you mean by that? We are REAL, okay. We are REALLY REAL.” You were offended. Who does he think he is?

Jimin just chuckled.“He's gonna throw you away after he's done with you. Why would he even like you in the first place?”

“No, he's not. Just shut up! Don't speak about things you don't have a say in.”
You stomped out of the office quickly.

But before you left, Jimin saw your eyes brimming with tears.

‘I was just telling the truth, right? Why is she so offended?’


Taehyung burst into the room as Jimin was going through some files. He already knew why he was here.

“Are you fucking serious? How could you do that? You are so cheap.” He was pissed.

“Calm down, Taehyung.” Jimin stood up from his chair trying to calm his friend down.

“Did you really ban Y/N from dating me?”

“First of all, I did NOT ban Y/N from dating you. I banned everyone in my company. Second of all, it's not exactly a dating ban. She can still date anyone she wants as long as that person is not from our company or has partnership with us.” Jimin said trying to remain calm.

“What the fuck do you wanna do that for?” Taehyung said, the pitch of his voice getting lower than before, quite contradictory to his growing anger.

“Oh, I am glad you asked. It's a scientifically proven fact that you should not date your coworkers. It affects the growth of the company.  Look. You should do that in your company too.” Jimin tried to show Taehyung the article but he wasn't interested in that.

“Cut the crap, Jimin. Why did you do that? You were the one who wanted me to take her away from you.” Taehyung was trying his best to remain calm.

Jimin went back to his chair and resumed his work after saying, “Well you couldn't, could you?”

Taehyung went silent for a minute. When he spoke again his voice was calm.

“Do you…… like her?”

Jimin's face scrunched up in disgust. “Eww no… Her…. No way... That's just gross.”

“Then what's your problem?” Taehyung was trying to read Jimin's expression. His expressions clearly indicated his disgust towards you.

“Well, I just like seeing her in misery. Moreover you know if I really want something or someone, I get it. No need to beat around the bush.”

Taehyung seemed to calm down. He took a deep breath.

“Whatever you are not her father or anything. I will still date her. She is still going to be mine.”

Jimin looked up at him to protest but what was the point really. In fact he knew this whole dating ban thing was childish. The employees could still date behind his back. It was all really very immature.

But before Taehyung left, Jimin said.

“She's not that innocent as you think she is.”

“Well, what do you even know about her.”

“More than you.” Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. But he didn't want to listen to Jimin blabber shit about you. He walked towards the door.

“Taehyung, do you… really like her that much? This is the first time I'm seeing so much since we were six years old so I wouldn't know much about you but from what I do.. I know you don't care about this romantic shit...You are the ambitious type, right? You just want to focus on making your company bigger, right?”

Taehyung didn't look back.

“I like her more than anything in my life right now.…. Don't take her away from me.”

Taehyung walked out from Jimin's office and came to your desk and pulled you up.

You looked at him surprised. But your surprised expression was soon replaced with a blush as he pulled you into a kiss.

It was unexpected. A million emotions and thoughts blazing through your mind.

And somewhere from a corner in the back of your head one thought seemed to keep coming up.

‘Is he watching this?’

Jimin was.

After all Taehyung was doing it so Jimin could watch. Everything.


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