Chapter 9

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I completed cross-checking the last document of the day. My nose and eyes were red from crying earlier, but why would that bother him?

I knocked on his door and went in.

He looked tired and stressed out. I couldn't care less. I have lost all respect for my boss.

“Sir, these are the files for today. You need to sign them and submit them by tomorrow.”

He must have noticed the change in my voice because he looked up at me. And maybe I was just imagining again, but for a split second his eyes softened, for a split second it looked like he cared. But then again, I was always a person who hoped too much.

“Yeah, you can go home,” he said going back to his files.

I turned around, taking my leave.


I looked back at him. Maybe a tiny, weeny bit of hope in me was pleading him to tell me sorry.

“I have more work for you.”

I sighed. Of course, ‘The Park Jimin’ never cares. I didn't want to have another session of ‘Crying in the office’ so I just nodded.

That night I cried myself to sleep.


It's almost three months since I've been working for him.

What do you expect me to say?

I have been living half-dead.

Of course, I don't see Lee coming to the company anymore, so I don't have to deal with him. But why worry about him when ‘The Park Jimin’ is more than sufficient?

Initially, I thought things would get better with time but I was dead wrong. He was getting worse, day by day.

Files, documents, contracts, all kinds of errands. He makes me do it all. It was like he was giving the entire work of the company to me. Where does he get so much work from?

But work was never the problem. It was the attitude. I was nothing but a slave to him. And this wouldn't have hurt me that much if I did not see the way he treated everybody else. He always smiled and talked to them sweetly. But with me, it was always that same old, cold expression.

And because of him, all my collegues that once looked upto me with respect now were treating me like a janitor in the office. People started talking  behind my back about how inefficient I was at work and had only got in due to Mr.Park's grace which was also undermining my confidence.

Why did he even hate me this much? Trust me I have been asking the same question for the past three months and if anybody can come with the answer, please comment👉

Health was another cause of worry. Skipping my meals frequently wasn't probably a great thing because now I found myself getting weaker, day by day. Sometimes, I felt dizzy. My hair was thinning. My face looked dull, thanks to the blemishes and the dark circles which adorned it.

Most days, I would cry myself to sleep if I did, in fact, get the opportunity to sleep.

Have you ever come across a point in life where you are literally like, “Screw this shit. I am done. I don't give a fuck anymore.”

I am mentally and physically at that  breaking point in my life, right now.

I am done.

If Park Jimin wants to kill me, let him.
If that makes him happy, so be it.

I am done.


“Achoo” I sneezed in my boss' face.

He scrunched up his face in disgust.

“Don't you have better places to sneeze in?” he quickly pushed the files off the table to express his frustration. This was a habit he had developed lately.

“Sorry, sir.” I bent down to take them. My cold was getting worse. I have never been sick for more than 2 days but this one has already lasted a week. It has become a hinderance to my work.

My stomach growled telling me I wasn't giving it the attention it needed. What can I do? I have to submit these files before two. I'm sorry, baby.

Jimin looked at me and I couldn't hide my embarassment. But it's not my fault, you know.

My stomach growled again.

“Can you shut it?” He looked at me irritated

“Yes, sir.” It growled again.

“Just get out.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Can you stop saying ‘yes, sir’?”

“Yes, sir.” I sighed and left the room.


I coughed gaining everyone's unnecessary attention. It wasn't helping that I was in a meeting room.

Jimin quickly glared at me. Guess who's getting scolded after work today?

One of the company directors were speaking when I felt like my vision getting blurry. Again. I felt like I was getting less aware of my surroundings. This usually happens, so I wasn't worried about it. My vision usually gets clear after a couple of seconds.

And it did. I was back to normal. Phew, I didn't want him to scold me for zoning out.

Jimin quickly signalled me to take the documents from his table. I did so and,


I sneezed. That's all it was. I sneezed because I was sick. Okay.

But what Jimin did next was uncalled for. He quickly clicked his tongue and pushed the files off the table out of habit, but along with the files, he unintentionally pushed the coffee mug sitting on the table too. The hot coffee fell on my wrists scalding that area.

Jimin did seem taken aback. I'm pretty sure he didn't intend to do that. It was fine. It was an accident. I get it. And all he needed to do was apologize. Instead he said,

“If you are sick, don't come to work. GET OUT. Do you want others to be sick too?” he said spitefully.

I quickly looked at my colleagues, my vision becoming blurry again, but this time due to the tears that were clouding them.

I went home early that day and the first thing I did was take out Mr. Park's contact in my phone.

I don't want to work there anymore.

If he wants me to quit, I'll quit.

My fingers hesitantly clicked ‘Call’. It was ringing.….



I pressed ‘End Call’

I can't do this to Mr. Park.

I lay back in my bed. Tears were rolling down on either side of my face.

Then an idea suddenly hit.

My last chance.


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