Chapter 20

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“Okay so….” You looked at Hoseok trailing for the nth time.

“If you say ‘Okay so’ one more time, I swear to God Y/N I'm gonna start charging you for these sessions.”

You gulped. You didn't know how exactly to tell your best friend that you were dating the man who you were supposed to set him up with. Yes, you were a bitch but just not that kind.

“Okay so…”

Hoseok looked like he was about to rip your face off when he suddenly gasped in surprise. “Did you sleep with Jimin?”

“What?” Your face scrunched up in disgust. “Of course not. Eww… no why would I sleep with that jerk? No not in a million years. NO. NO. NO.” You set into a cycle of denial.

“Oh okay then what is it?” Hoseok looked at you as his enthusiam died down.

You looked at Hoseok and took a deep, deep breath.
“Hoseok, I am really sorry but Taehyung's not gay and-”

“Oh I know that.” He said, his dead enthusiam building up again.

“What? If you knew that then why would you ask me to ask him?” You said confused.

“Why do you think?” He smirked.

You looked at him for a while and then it hit you.
“Oh my god, you wanted him to notice me.”

He giggled, “And did it work?”

“…. We're dating.” You giggled.

“Woah so soon. I mean I studied psychology and everything but I didn't expect him to ask you out so soon.” He said jumping around.

“But wait, how did you know he would ask me out?”

“Well anybody who talks to you for a while will fall for you.” He beamed.

“Aww... well except for Park Jimin of course.” You smiled sadly.

“Well let me rephrase that any human that talks to you will fall for you.” He chuckled causing you to snort.

“But you're really not making this up right? You're really not interested in Taehyung, right?” You said doubting whether your best friend was just trying to make you feel better.

“I mean Taehyung's cute and everything but my boyfriend would be a bit salty about it, don't you think?”

You gasped. “What? Who? When? Where? How?”

“I have a boyfriend. Min Yoongi. Three weeks ago. At a party. We talked for sometime and then decided to see more of each other.”

You pretended to have a heart attack and die.

“Stop overreacting.” He rolled his eyes.

“How can you do this to me? I thought you loved me.” You fake cried with fake pain spread all across your eyes.

“Are you serious?” He deadpanned.

You continued to be dramatic about it.


You were at Taehyung's apartment and watching a movie ‘Devil wears Prada.’

It has been a week after you two started dating and you were more happier than ever.

You don't know what exactly was the fun part. If it was ‘dating’ in general or if it was ‘dating Taehyung’. Either way your life is much better than it was a month ago.

Jimin couldn't control your life anymore and that was equally fun. You had new people in your life to concentrate on.

Taehyung always pulled you out of work way before 9pm which you could say annoyed Jimin because he couldn't make you grovel beneath him.

The movie was about this evil boss who was making her secretary's life miserable.

“Reminds me of Jimin.” You chuckled. Taehyung smiled.

“You know I really don't understand how you convinced him to ‘release me’ before nine everyday.” You looked at him curious.

“He really doesn't have any work to give you….. Plus he really doesn't want you there.” Taehyung said engrossed in the movie.

You must admit that it did hurt. You knew why but you still asked.“Why do you say that? Did he tell you something about me?”

He looked at you and hesitated for a while.



“Why did you treat her like that? You're not usually like this.”  I asked Jimin after he had thrown the file at the girl and kicked her out.

He didn't respond and pretended to not hear my question. I knew him too well. He was trying to avoid the subject. So I urged him.

“She seems to be good at her work too. So what's the problem?”

“You know nothing, Taehyung.” Jimin said spitefully.

“Woah. Why so much hate?”

Jimin looked at me. “I just want her gone. I don't want her anywhere near me.”

“Weird but then why aren't you firing her?”

“I can't...It's complicated...”

“So will you be okay if my company hires her?” I suggested.

“Why would you do that?” He looked at me, a little annoyed.

“My current secretary is about to retire. And yours seems to be pretty good at this.”

“Oh, she won't leave this company, so try all you want.” He smirked unintentionally.

“But what if she did?” I smirked.

I saw Jimin's jaw clench. “Well, like I said I just want her gone so it's going to be nice.”


"Well what?.... Taehyung?" You said trying to bring back a zoned out Taehung to reality.

“Oh yeah..Well, he said that he would be glad if I hired you as my secretary.”

“Oh that's nice to know.” You simply. “I don't like him either.”

You watched the movie silently for sometime. You then took a deep breath.

“I just don't know, Tae. Why does he hate me so much? You know it was going so great for sometime. We used to be just like friends. Ha! What am I even saying ‘just like friends’. What does that even mean?”

Taehyung listened to you patiently.

“Then one day, all of a sudden he's mean again.” Your eyes brimmed with tears thinking about his cold eyes and harsh actions that day. “And you know what's the worst part? I feel like it's all my fault. I keep thinking that maybe I did something wrong. Why does he hate me this much? Is it my face or something?”

Taehyung quickly cupped your face with his hands.

“Of course not. Hey, look at me.” He said as the tears kept rolling down. You looked into his beautiful eyes.

“It's not your fault. He's just trying to be an asshole. And…. you're beautiful, okay. Don't ever think otherwise.” He said.

“Really? You're just saying that to make me feel better.”


You smiled.

Taehyung smiled back. You looked so cute that he couldn't help himself.

Help himself from closing the gap between the two of you.

His lips were a blessing…..

Just like his presence in your life……



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