Chapter 17

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“He's back, Hoseok.”

“Y/N-ah just stop crying okay. Tell me what happened.” Hoseok was surprised to see you come back in this state just when you were booming with joy a couple of days ago.

“Park Jimin. He's mean again.”

“Wasn't he always mean?”

“No. He's different. He's acting like how he did in the beginning. Infact, he just hates me more now. But I didn't do anything wrong.”

“Okay, calm down.” Hoseok tried his best.

“I don't think I can ever get along with him.” You said clutching his shirt and crying into his chest.

“Why does he hate me so much?”

“Okay listen up!! Guess what? No matter where you go, there will always be people who will hate you and treat you bad no matter what. What you need to do is ignore them, okay. Concentrate on your life. You are more precious to you. There are far more number of people who will love you no matter what. You can count me in one of them.” He smiled down at you.

“Got it?”

You nodded.

‘I won't care about you anymore, Park Jimin.’


You stood behind Jimin waiting for the meeting to begin. He didn't even spare a glance at you from morning. Not that you cared.

You had other things to care about in life than your boss.

Like the zit that was quite ‘conveniently’ placed in the middle of your nose. No, you weren't exaggerating. Yes, you looked like a clown.
‘As if a zit wasn't embarrassing enough.’

Or the fly that was bothering you. You tried to swish it away but it kept coming back again. At least, you finally had somebody's attention.

Or dropping a few good words about your friend to the CEO of Kim enterprises with whom who were about to have a meeting.

The door opened and walked in Kim Taehyung.

And even though the door did close, your mouth didn't.

Because in came the most beautiful man you have ever seen.

‘Jimin who? Screw his ass...’

His eyes alone are enough to bring liveliness. You again wished you were exaggerating but you were not.

‘This man is more beautiful than I'll ever be.’

You felt like you didn't deserve to be in the same room as him or even breathe the same air. The superiority of his beauty was coldly murdering your self-esteem.

The meeting started and you couldn't take your eyes off him.

You should be ashamed to be staring at him but you can't be blamed either. ‘Is he even human?’

The man smiled occasionally at Jimin and you vaguely guessed that they might be more than acquaintance.

His eyes landed on you and you quickly looked away. ‘We don't want to get caught now, do we?’ Bitch face on.

The man gave a short presentation. ‘His voice is so husky and sex- I mean professional.’

He spared occasional glances at you. And honestly, you were excited like a teenage girl. Aren't we all teenage girls in heat when it comes to love? You knew it was just a couple of meaningless glances but still...

If you weren't so shamelessly adoring his perfect proportions, you probably would have noticed your boss signalling you twice to bring the files.

Jimin looked back at you who was staring at his friend.

“Y/N.” He yelled gaining everyone's attention.

You snapped out of your daydream and quickly gave him the files.

You decided to take back the files but Jimin clicked his tongue and swatted your hands away.

You looked at Taehyung who was already looking at you. You sighed.
‘Stop embarassing me in front of him, Jimin.’

The meeting was over and you were back to sitting at your desk when he walked over to you smiling.

“Hello. Is Jimin free?” He said not breaking eye contact.

“Ye-yeah..” You said trying not to blush. He was more beautiful up close. You realized you didn't say ‘sir’ . Shit.

“Yes, sir.” You quickly stood up. You mentally facepalmed.

He looked at you with an adorable smile like one that he would give to a little kid. He went in.

After a while you knocked on the door and heard a ‘Come in.’

You walked upto Jimin and tried not to look at him.

“These are the files that you asked me to check, sir.”

Jimin took them and started checking them.

Your eyes trying to avoid Jimin naturally ended up on Taehyung who was smiling at you. You smiled back.

Jimin threw the file at you.
“If you are doing something, do it properly.”

'Damn it.'
You sighed. This wasn't new to you so it didn't shock you as much as it did shock Taehyung.

“Woah man. Calm down.” Taehyung shot you an apologetic look. You were glad this monster had some nice friends too. Little did Taehyung know about how he treated you.

Jimin seemed unfazed.

You picked up the files and went out.

'I just want to throw away myself right now....'

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