Chapter 11

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You strutted into the office after taking three days off because... well, nobody ever told you that you had to come to work everyday.

And these three days worked its magic on you. Your skin was glowing and the blemishes long forgotten.
You had ate as much as you had worked for the past three months. And god were you refreshed. You greeted all your collegues who you had heard speak ill about you behind your back.

You didn't bother to knock the door.

You looked at the man sitting behind the desk, his ruffled hair and messy desk being a sign of frustration and pending work.

His expression quickly changed upon seeing you.

"Miss. Baek Y/N, you again?" He was confused.


"I thought you quit."

"Trust me, if I did I would have let you know."

"Then Where. The. Hell. Where. You." he said his voice stepping up with each word.

"Oh, I was sick," you simply shrugged.

Jimin was puzzled at your non-chalance. He simply didn't know how to respond to this.

He glared at you.

"You were SICK?! That isn't even a good excu- you know what? Never mind. Just get me the accounts of 2006."

"I already submi-"

"I lost them." He said.

"No problem." You smiled and quickly gave him a pendrive. "The accounts of 2006 are there in this. If you lose this, don't worry I have them saved in my computer."

He looked dumbfounded. But he was not ready to lose this easily.

"Fine, get me the accounts of 2007." he smirked.

"Accounts from the year 2001 when Park internationals started till 2019 last month are all in that pendrive, SIR." you said smirking back.

And after watching his expression, all you wanted to do was run to Hoseok and fall at his feet. That man was God reincarnated. Why hadn't you thought of this before? This was so easy and FUN.

He cleared his throat so as to collect his composure. "Get me an iced coffee from the coffee shop two blocks across....within 5 minutes."

"Of course." You smiled and left his office. After about 5 minutes you came back with the iced coffee.

"Here's your coffee, sir."

Jimin looked up at you with an amusement that literally spelled 'How?' But 'The Park Jimin' never gives up, does he?

"You got this from the coffee shop next to our building, right?"

"Of course not, sir. If you want proof..," you placed a sheet before, "This is an employee that works in coffee shop company two blocks across. He was the one who delivered the coffee here. You can verify it yourself."

Jimin looked at the biodata in front of him. It even mentioned the employee's favourite colour. WTF?!
He looked up at you with a 'what even are you?' expression.

"But they don't have a delivery system." Jimin said trying to keep his calm and win his side of the argument.

"With a little bit of money, they do." You smiled sheepishly.

Jimin just took a sip from the coffee and said "It's cold."

"Oh. I'll be back." You took the coffee and came back after a couple of minutes. He took a sip of it.

"Why does this taste weird?" He kept it back.

"Oh maybe because I heated it."

"You heated it?!" Jimin looked at you bewildered.

"Of course, if any thing gets cold you need to hit it back up, right?" You said innocently. He frowned in annoyance and you were mentally taking pleasure from it, "Why, is there a problem? Do you wanna FIRE ME?" you quickly bent down to his level smirking, breaking possibly all the rules he had ever imposed on you.

"Why- you know what never mind just go through these contracts?"

"Okay." you smiled.

It's working.


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