Chapter 10

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“And that idea, is this.” You said eyeing your surroundings.

Hoseok looked pretty shocked as he was stumbling for words of consolation to tell you.

“Okay. This was like a movie. Have you ever considered writing a book, perhaps, about your experiences?” He suggested.

“Good idea,” you said sipping the coffee he had offered. “Maybe after I murder him, I could start writing in jail.”

You both laughed. Talking to someone other than Park Jimin actually helped you calm down a bit. You felt like you finally had some hope in your life. Like someone was pulling you back to a normal life.

Hoseok looked at you for a couple of seconds.

“Have you ever thought that maybe he's doing all this to you just because he wants your attention?”

“Attention? I am his SECRETARY. Whose else face do I look at all day? I literally don't have time to look at anyone else,” you said doubting if Hoseok was really one of the best therapists in town.

“No, not that kind of attention, Y/N.…. Maybe the attention a man deserves from a woman, you know.” Hoseok embarrassingly tried to explain it to you.

It took you a while to register but when it did, you couldn't stop laughing. “Don't you dare go down that road.”

“Okay, first of all, if any man is interested in me, I would know Hoseok. Trust me about that.”

“Secondly, he clearly has no interest in me, especially when he sleeps around with other women All. The. Time.”

“Wasn't that a one time thing?” Hoseok remarked trying to prove his point.

“Well, if that's what he does in the office, can you even imagine what he does in his house?” You quickly shut down Hoseok's comment.

“Thirdly, even if in some weird alternate universe, let's say he is attracted to me, but then wouldn't he at least care for me a bit? Like ask me if I ate my breakfast or whether I got some sleep. He was pouring hot coffee on me the last time.”

“Maybe, he's the tsundere kind.” Hoseok brought up his already murdered opinion once again.

You raised your eyebrows. “I'm sorry, does tsundere translate to dickass?”

“Okay fine, you are right. It's not attraction. But I really don't know what it is though? Why don't you just complain to Mr.Park about Jimin then?” He looked at you curious.

“Well, it's not like the thought didn't cross my mind. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Mr.Park has always spoken highly of him. He is pretty proud of his son. If I were to go and tell him that his son was a womanizer and jerk, he'd probably have a heart attack.”

Hoseok nodded agreeing with you.
“Then there's only one way left.”

You looked at him with hope. Finally there was a solution to your misery.

“Quit,” he dead-panned.

“What? What do you mean quit? You think I am paying 300$ for this session for you to tell me to QUIT.”

“What else am I supposed to say then? I've come across many specimens. But I literally can't understand this ‘Jimin’ character. I think the best thing you can do if you want to remain sane is quit.”

“I can't. I promised Mr. Park I wouldn't.”

“Do you respect him that much?” Hoseok looked at you amused.

“I do. He was there to help me when no one else was. Maybe I can repay the money that he has spent on me but I could never repay his kindness, not even if I work for him for a  thousand years.”

“Hmm…” he leaned back on his chair, as if he was deep in thoughts.

“Wait, if he hates you that much, why hasn't he fired you yet?” he sat up straight again.

“I don't know. Probably because Mr. Park told him not to or something.” You said uninterested.

“Oh..” he slumped back into the chair.

You were doubting if you had really wasted your 300$ when he quickly stood up like a bright idea had hit him.

“Okay, so you can't quit?” he asked smiling.

“Duh. Happy realization.” But your sarcasm didn't kill his enthusiasm.

“And he can't fire you?” he continued.

“Yes,” you looked at him innocently.

“Viola!” he clapped his hands in excitement.

You were wondering if there was a refund policy for therapy sessions.

“What are you talking about?” You looked at him puzzled.

He quickly held you by your shoulders.
“You see Y/N, LIFE is a chess game.” he spoke in a philosopher's tone.
“If someone makes a move to bring you down, what do you do?”

You looked at him confused. ‘This guy really needs therapy.’

He continued “…..You make a….. ”

“Move?” you filled in the blank, giving him a weird look.

Hoseok's enthusiasm finally got murdered by you. “Ugh! What I mean is if he annoys you, you annoy him back, you dumbass.”

“Wait. I can't do that.” You replied quickly.

“Why can't you do that? It's not like he can FIRE YOU.” Hoseok said smirking.

“That makes no se-” you gasped. Hoseok smiled at you and nodded as you finally got the point.

“Oh my god. Am I dumb?” you quickly asked him.

He patted your shoulder consoling you.

“If he annoys me, I annoy him back. And he can't even do anything about it. Why didn't I think of that before?” Hoseok mouthed an ‘it's okay.’

“Oh my god. You are a genius, Hoseok.” you hugged your second god.

“Y/N, are you crying?”

“No…no I'm not.” you said sniffing.


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