Chapter 33 +

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I'm going crazy. This woman…

This is the fifth time I'm driving her out of my office today. I'm done. I'm out. I'm gonna quit Park Internationals.

She was getting more and more cocky day by day.

Can you imagine that she asked me. ME. MR. PARK JIMIN. HER BOSS. to drop her home?

Apparently she thinks someone will kidnap her. Oh please they would pay me money to take her ugly-ass back. Seriously.

She's getting so stubborn nowadays.

And now she was dozing off in the couch.

I thought of leaving her there and going home. I did. I reached the elevator and waited for her there for five minutes. She didn't come. What a heavy sleeper!

I sighed and went back. She was literally sleeping on the couch like a baby. I bent down to her level and looked at her for some time.

She doesn't look anything like my father. Maybe like her mother.
Somehow thinking about her mother made me angry.

I slapped her head off.

“Wake up, dumbass.”


And now we were sitting in a car driving to her house.

This kind of thing was weird with her....

Eww. I ignored the weird thoughts in my brain.

Her phone rang freaking the shit out of me.

“Oh hey, Hoseok.” You smiled.

Who is Hoseok? Not that I would care.

But I know she's a single child. So brother is ruled out. Maybe some male friend.

She snorted. Somehow I knew they were talking about me.

“It's going good. I wanna tell you so much.” She said enthusiastically.

“Okay, how about tomorrow? We have the annual meeting tomorrow and I'll be free after 2pm.” She glanced at me. Well, I did tell her to not attend the meeting.

“…... Bye, babe.”

I couldn't hear the rest of what he said but I did hear the word 'babe'.

What kind of male friend calls his female friend 'babe' unless…. No way she's not that attractive. Infact, she's very ugly. Not that I could be bothered. Pfft. Maybe she's fooling around with some guy.....

“IS IT RIGHT OR LEFT, Y/N?” I screamed frustrated.

“Left…” She scoffed.

“Thanks, Jimin.” She said while getting out of the car.

“Wait.” I said grabbing her hand and pulling her back.

She looked at me puzzled.

I don't know why I was grabbing her hand and I didn't know exactly why I did too. Okay fine, maybe I wanted to ask her who Hoseok is? Just sheer curiosity, okay?


'Who the hell is Hoseok?'

“You have to attend the annual meeting tomorrow.”

Well, I just can't help but make her life more miserable.


But really, who the fuck is Hoseok?


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