Chapter 18

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Taehyung came out of Jimin's office.

He came towards you.
“I'm sorry for what Jimin did back there.”

You were surprised he was apologising for his friend.
“Oh, it's okay. You don't have to apologize for his actions.”

“Well, he is my best friend, after all. I really don't know why he acts like this with you. He's not usually like this ”

“That makes two of us.” You both looked at each other for a couple of seconds.

“Can I ask you something?” Both of you said together.

“You first.” He chuckled.

“Okay. It's a bit personal.”

He looked at you blankly. “No, it's okay. Go on.”

“Are you gay?”

“M-me no. I'm not gay. I'm tired of telling this in every interview.” He chuckled.

“Oh.” You trailed off. ‘Why didn't Hoseok know about it then?’

“Well, that's the first time a woman seems sad knowing that I am not gay.” He chuckled.

“Oh, it's just that my friend was interested in you.”

“Okay, my turn.” He said while leaning down on the desk in front of you.

“When do you get off work?”

You didn't quite register his question... probably because your brain couldn't digest the proximity.


“What time do you get off at work?”

“Oh. N-nine. Why?”

“NINE?! He makes you work till nine.”

You nodded cluelessly.

“Okay, be right back.” He said quickly before rushing into Jimin's office. After a couple of minutes, he came out.

“Okay. Let's go. Come.”

“What -where?”

“Just come.”

“But Jimin?”

“He agreed.”

You looked at Jimin through the glass wall. You couldn't really see anything but you could guess Jimin being unbothered like always.

So you let Taehyung pull you along with him.


Taehyung took you to a cosy restaurant. It was a nice little break for you. Away from Mr. Park Jimin's drama.

You sipped water from the glass and cleared your throat. You didn't want to look at Taehyung and be attacked as he was staring right through you.
You both had literally nothing to talk about.

“So Jimin makes you work that late?”

You hesitated to tell him anything. After all, he was his best friend. For all you might know Jimin would have asked him to spy on you.

“Oh, I won't tell Jimin.” He chuckled looking at your hesitation.

“Oh...not like that.... I mean he is my boss. Everybody has work, you know. I'm not complaining or anything.” You still hesitated.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows urging you to spill everything. Seems like that did the trick because you then said,

“It's just…. I don't know why he is such an asshole about everything. Why can't he just appreciate me? I'm not blowing my own trumpet or anything but I am one of the most efficient secretaries you'll ever meet.”

Taehyung nodded as he agreed with you.

“But ‘Oh Y/N, that's great work’ or ‘Thanks,Y/N’ that's all I am asking, you know. But Mr. Self-Entitled won't even smile at me. Like what the hell is his problem?”

“I dont really know why Jimin does that, though.  He's usually not like this.”

“I know he's so nice to everyone else……”

One hour of ranting later…..

“Really he did that.” Taehyung asked shocked ordering your third round of appetizers.

“Yes he did. Oh and did I tell you about the time he….”

Another hour of ranting later…

“Woah. Just wow.” He replied as he signalled the waiter to bring the bill.

You were panting now. If Taehyung was a spy as you doubted him to be, you wouldn't live to see the sunrise tomorrow. But at least the rant was worth the risk.

“How are you even his friend?” You asked causing him to chuckle.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you seem like a nice and sweet guy. I honestly don't know how he is associated to you.”

“And why do you think I am a nice guy?” He leaned forward placing his elbows on the table.

“I mean you b-brought me here and listened to my ranting and everything. It was a really good break.”

He stared at you for a while and then said.

“Yeah I'm a nice guy and everything but the reason I brought you here was to give you three proposals.”

You raised your eyebrows. ‘Okay if this guy was some kind of creep I swear I'm gonna….’

“Quit Park Internationals.” He said.

You didn't register his question properly when he said the second thing.

“Work for me.”

His requests were slowly making sense to you when he said the third and the most ridiculous one yet.

“Date me. Please.”


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