Chapter 8

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The old creep smiled at me. I smiled back, not genuinely of course.

It was a one on one meeting, so it was just me, Jimin and the pervert. Ever since the meeting started, he won't take his eyes off me and it was making me really, really uncomfortable.

I could say that Jimin was also getting bothered because Lee wasn't really paying attention to what Jimin was saying.

“So Mr. Lee, these are our conditions and you can go through them if you like.” Jimin said,handing him the documents.

He took them and pretended to read through them. After wasting about 5 minutes of our time, he said, “Hmm, I am getting too old for company stuff....,” he chuckled, “....Do you mind if I borrow your secretary for a little while?”

Jimin looked a bit clueless, perhaps wondering why a business tycoon like Lee, who had spent his last 35 years in the business world, needed the help of a secretary to read a simple document like this, but nevertheless he agreed.

Lee quickly got up and went to sofa ushering me to come to him like I was his......

He sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to him indicating me to sit with him.

Every action of his was disgusting to me.

“I am not allowed to sit, sir.” I quickly replied feeling pretty thankful to my stupid boss' irrational rules.

“Really? Jimin, you won't allow your secretary to even sit. Now that I think about it, she looks more  thinner compared to the last time I saw her. I believe woman needs to be a little thick. Don't you? Ha. Does your father know how you treat your secretaries?” He said smiling at me. Why would he even remember how I looked before? Thick, my ass. What's this freak's problem?

I looked back at Jimin who was glaring at me. “Please sit, Y/N. If our guest demands it, do it.” He gritted his teeth. Jimin, ugh what would you know?

I sat down and the pervert quickly shifted closer to me. I showed him the documents and read out things he asked me to. He pretended to look interested in the documents. He subtly grazed his dirty hands over my naked knee, trying to make it look like an accident. I retracted my knee. But he kept coming closer. He kept touching my hands, his eyes roaming all over my body. I was sweating.

I hated myself.

I hated myself for being there. For not being able to shove the papers up his ass and leave, to do nothing, but just sit there and pretend like nothing was going on.

All because of my job. I wanted to cry.

I quickly passed some sheets to him which he dropped ‘unintentionally’ in front of him.

“Oh I am sorry, Y/N-ah, silly me. Could you pick them up for me, dear?”

I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted me to bend in front of him.

I felt dirty and disgusted. I wanted to run. Maybe, I should get up and leave.

“Make sure he is pleased with the arrangements. Even though he is a minor shareholder, this is our chance to make him take more interest in our company. Don't let it slip away due to your mistake.”

I remembered Jimin's words. I can't only think about myself. I can't let the company or Jimin down. I sighed.

I got up to pick up the sheets.

I felt like a slut..…..

Just then Jimin shouted,
“Oh my god Y/N, why can't you handle even a small task I give you?”

I looked at him confused. What did I do?

“How are you calling yourself a secretary when you can't even hand over a sheet without dropping it down?.. You know what, just get out.”

I couldn't believe him. It was clearly Mr. Lee who dropped it. He would know if he paid any attention. But he just blamed me without even knowing what was going on.

“Mr. Lee, I'll appoint someone a bit more ‘professional’ to look after you,” he said glaring at me and stressing on the word ‘professional.’

“N-no Jimin, it's okay. Y/N can help m-”

Lee was cut off by Jimin

“Do you need me to repeat what I said? GET OUT and if you don't mind would you please call Mark to take care of Mr.Lee. Thank you.” Jimin mocked me. A lump was now forming in my throat.

I quickly got out and asked Mark to take over my place. I sat on my desk and put my head down so that nobody would see me crying. This wasn't the first time I was crying because of Jimin but it would definitely be the first time at work.

I was harassed. By a man my father's age

And all he could do was reprimand me, mock me and make fun of me.

If Mr. Park was here, this wouldn't have happened.

Why is he so cruel?

I hate working for him.

I hate my life.

I hate Park Jimin


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