Chapter 5

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"The coffee is cold. Get me a new one." He put down the cup after hardly taking a sip from it.

"But SIR....... It. Is. An. Iced. Coffee," I spoke slowly like I would if I was speaking to a child. It wouldn't take the dumbest man in the world more than three seconds to realise that my sentence was reeking of sarcasm.

"No, it's much colder than an iced coffee. Get me an iced coffee at the exact same temperature they prepare it."




I can deal with him. I can do it without stabbing him in the neck with that letter opener on his desk. Oh what a shiny, sharp letter opener! I need to stop looking at that letter opener before I might do something terrible.

"I will get you a new one, SIR." I stressed on the word 'sir'. It was a kind of code that I had developed to let Jimin know that he had successfully made me more crazier than I was the day before.

I took the 'cold' coffee and went to get him a new one. See, getting him a new one wasn't a problem IF he would drink the ducking coffee from the ducking coffee shop next to the ducking company building. Apparently, Mr.Douchenoggin here, thinks he's a special snowflake and wants coffee from the coffee shop TWO BLOCKS AWAY.



It has been only 1 month. 1 month. And I already feel like jumping off a cliff whenever 'The Park Jimin' summons me to his room.

It never meant anything good. It was always more work.....

And more work....

And more work....

For the past one month I have been skipping meals, going home late at 10pm and sleeping at 1am because there's always more work that I have to take home. I wake up at 6:30 so that I can reach work by 7:30 so that I can arrange everything for 'The Park Jimin.'

I am so done with this shit.

The work is killing me but what's worse is that douchebag's attitude towards everything I do. In the one month that I've worked for him, there wasn't a single word of gratitude from him. The closest he has come to would be "You finished that already?" which (I consoled myself) was as good as a "You did great!" in layman's terms.

And it was only me. I was his only problem. He was so 'sweet' with the other employees that it made me puke. Sorry.

Like that one time he was in the queue during lunch, (yes, he eats in the company cafteria which makes it harder for everyone to believe that he is, in fact, an oik) there was a senior, in age, of our company behind him and he gave his filled plate to him and smiled at him. The most sweetest smile I have ever seen on anyone.

Or that one time when one of the female employees tripped and would have had a serious fall, if it weren't for the saviour himself, who suddenly caught her in time. The girl couldn't stop herself from blushing, nor could she stop herself from flirting with him the next day. Jeez.

And all I remember is how I tripped and fell right in front of him yesterday and he didn't even bat an eye. All he said was, "If you are done bear-hugging the floor, can you get back to work? Those files on your table don't proof-read themselves, you know."

Yes I wanted to puke.

"Sir, here's your COLD coffee." I said panting after running almost two blocks and back in 10 minutes.

He looked down at the coffee and simply shrugged. "No. Don't need it anymore. I lost the mood to drink coffee."

I started breathing heavily.

"You. don't. want. to. drink. it. anymore." I asked emphasizing each and every word, the anger subtly evident.

I saw him gulp. I could say he was summoning up all his courage to speak, "Is there a problem, Y/N?"

I glared at him. "Of course not, SIR." I sighed. What's the point anyway? If I quit, he'll be more than happy.

"You have a meeting today at 3pm with Golden Bird's CEO. Please don't forget."

"I don't need you to remind me that."

"That is my job, SIR....." I said and continued "......then since everything is done, can I go home early today?" I said, rays of hope seeping from every inch of my body that hasn't had a proper rest for the past week.

"Okay," he said engrossed in his computer. Aha! My trick worked. I quickly ran to the door thinking about all the activities I can do in my free time which majorly consists of sleep.


"Wait. What did you say? You have no work." He quickly looked up at me.

I gulped. "Y-yes, sir." I knew I was doomed.

"No, you can't go home early."

"But there is no work."

He quickly looked around the table desperately trying to find some work for me. "Did you check our accounts of the year 2006?"

"Yes, sir."

"All of the transactions?"

"Yes, sir, I did that last week. It's in your second drawer." I grinned.

"Uhh..." he ruffled his hair in frustration.

He couldn't find work for me. I smirked. Today, I am a free woman. Can't nobody stop me noooow.


"Uhhh okay then, attend the meeting."

"W-what? I can't attend the meeting."

"Why? Is there a problem?" he smirked.

"Yes." It was my turn to smirk. "According to Rule no.48, I am not supposed to attend any meetings. To quote your exact words, "I don't want to be seeing your unattractive face everywhere I go."

Jimin looked at me. I could say he was struggling to find words. 'You are done for, Park Jimin.'

Suddenly, the desperation on his face was replaced with a smirk. I felt uneasy.

"Okay, new rule. Rule no.63. Follow rule no.48 only if you have any work to do. Otherwise, attend all meetings with me, Park Jimin, YOUR BOSS," he chuckled seeing my non-humanly(is that even a word?) expression.

Park freaking Jimin.


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