Chapter 4

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"Mr. Park?" I knocked on his door.

"Come in."

It was 8 pm now and I. wanted. to. go. home.
I did sound like a little kid that been imprisoned in her classroom from morning, but if anybody works their ass off for ten hours straight, they would know.

"Here are the documents you have to sign and these are files you asked me to go through."

I waited for him to tell me to go home.


After about 15 minutes..... Yes I stood there like a log for 15 minutes, and yes he ignored me straight out for those 15 minutes.

"Did you write all the rules down?"

He looked up at me. There was slight smirk on his face.

"Yes, sir," I said confidently. The enthusiasm that was booming from my face would have actually put a well-trained soldier to shame.

If Jimin was surprised, he didn't show it. Well, I don't need to be told twice, Park Jimin.'

"You can go now."

I interally screamed. This was my release. But before I stepped outside his office he said, "Take these files with you when you go. I want them proof-read by tomorrow morning."

"Are you serious?" Okay I finally snapped. He looked at me with a face of satisfaction that meant he finally accomplished his mission.

"I'm sorry Mr. Park, but do you have a problem with me? Did I do something wrong?"

He feigned innocence and amusement, which irritated me more. "Are you asking this because of the work, Y/N?"

I glared at him. Of course this is about the work.

See, it's not about the amount of work. I have done much heavier work before. It's more like the quality of it. He was making me do stupid things like rearranging already arranged files based on some weird order or making me check files from 5 years ago which has no relevance now.

And I would be fine with it if he was doing this to all employees. NO. He doesn't seem to bother about the other employees. He was doing this only to me. Like he wanted to give ME work. But what did I even do to piss him off? Like really? I have never met him before. Believe me, I would know if I ever came across that face anytime in my life. Oh! A person, who forgets that face, is a sinner. Oh!

But anyways, getting back to the current situation, Jimin got up from his chair, walked around to the table's front and leaned on it, in my opinion, quite dramatically, "I'm sorry babe. I don't know what kind of work you've been doing till now for my father but if you can't handle this much of work for even one day then...." he leaned forward as if to emphasize the last word.

"......QUIT." I could feel his terrible efforts in suppressing his smile.

He seemed scary. And no, this wasn't the typical of 'I feel so scared but also like really attracted to him' scary but more like 'He might actually be a sadistic psychopath who might cut my fingers, pull out my teeth and gouge my eyes out and still feel unsatisfied with the torture' kinda scary.

But I remembered Mr.Park's words suddenly,

"But if he were to own this company, you would help him right?

"Of course not, sir. A secretary should at least do this much, right?" I faked a bright smile. "I was just afraid of any misunderstandings between you and me."

Jimin stared at me for a while like he was analysing me. He was smiling while looking at me. This was the first time he did that. I mean the smiling, you know. Honestly, I would kind of like it if it weren't for this situation. I was creeped out of my freaking mind. I was ready to make a run if I saw any of the slightest movements in him.

"Of course, there aren't any. Don't worry about it." He said breaking eye contact finally.

"Okay then I'll take my leave.... SIR." I said picking up the files, all the while keeping my third eye on him. What if he just hits me with a vase or something? What if he shoots me? Wait, that'll make too much sound so I guess he won't do that, I guess. What if uses a taser on me and kidnaps and tortures me? Or like stabs me? Is this how I am going to die? Nobody will even know that I am missing because I live alone. Dang it, I should've just eaten that last slice of pizza from yesterday. Now I'll never eat it again.

God, please put a limit to my thoughts.

"Also Y/N, one more thing." I looked back at him, my hand grasping the door knob firmly. Okay, he's going to take his gun out now. Get ready to run babe.

"Rule no.7. Don't even think about complaining to my father."

And as I closed the door, I was sure. This time I was 100% sure that he was smirking.

As I left, I wasn't sure if I was relieved or not. Okay so he wasn't a psychopath and I wasn't murdered.

Thank God for that.

But why do I feel like I just signed up for something even worse.


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