Chapter 29 +

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Life is beautiful.

Well, at least mine.

Hers? Don't care.

I was driving her crazy and I knew it.

Everytime she would stress on the 'SIR', I knew she was pissed.

She was good at her work, I must admit. She was not only efficient but also fast. She completes all the work I give to her. So I had no other choice but to give her useless work like fetching the accounts from ten years ago. I remember throwing away some of them so that she would do it again.

I made her fetch my coffee from two blocks across. Frankly, between you and me... I don't like their coffee. The one next to our building is better. But, then again, I have got to sacrifice some things I guess. No pain, no gain, right?

Maybe I should make her get one from the new coffee shop five blocks away. That would be fun.

But honestly though, I never thought she would stick around for so long. It's been one month and she's still here. Makes me wonder why?

I took her to her first meeting involving her new boss. Not that I wanted to. She wouldn't have had any work otherwise which means she'll get a sense of peace. No way.

She kept gawking at me the entire meeting. Chh. So predictable.

The golden bird company with whom we had the meeting was one of the major rising companies. It will be really amazing if we can get a partnership deal with them.

The CEO was a woman a couple of years older tham me. So I employed my charms. Here and there. Looks, smiles, smirks.

Well, I did not find anything particularly wrong with it. I mean I wasn't sleeping with them or anything. It was just pure flirting. I'm just using the skills the almighty gave me.

And it worked like charm and we got the partnership.


The next day evening, the CEO came to meet me personally. I was gonna shout at her for not knocking on the door thinking she was Y/N.

She came to me and leaned on the table in front of me with the top half of her cleavage on display. I looked away, my ears getting red. Maybe what I did yesterday was perhaps a.... mistake....

“So now that we got the partnership...maybe we should get to know each other a little.” She smirked and walked around to observe my office.

My face was getting hot. I wanted to kick her out of my office so bad. But I've dealt with this kind of shit before.

“Really?And how do you propose we get close?” I said smirking and placing my elbows on the desk.

I expected her to ask me my number or ask for a date this weekend but what I didn't expect was for her to start taking her panties off.

The fuck!? I didn't sign up for this shit. In my office?! No way!!!!

“Oh o-okay w-wow. Isn't that a little too….”

“A little too what?” She said smirking. She was still not understanding the gravity of the situation.

“Okay Miss…..” My collar was itching me. What the hell is this woman doing?

“Call me Doyeon.” She was now trying to stick her boobs out. “Come here and help me out, Jimin.” She said sitting on the sofa.

My brain was not processing the shit that was going on. Of course, I have flirted with women before for deals. And they would later meet me privately for a date. I would ditch them after the first date saying they deserved someone better than me.

This kind of thing was the first time. This women was nearly stripping in front of me thinking I was interested in her. Oh please I have taste.

And I can't even stop her. I just wanted to tell her to get the fuck out. But the partnership.

The woman realized I wasn't moving so she was getting up to walk towards me. That's when there was a knock on the door.

My savior.

‘Oh it's just Y/N’

She walked in ignoring the thirsty hoe sitting on the couch. Anyway, her arrival was good as it gave me enough time to think up for an excuse.

I asked her to go home which she received rather surprisingly.

“Yes, Y/N. You can go home.” My face was getting redder by the second. Just go home already. I have to deal with this woman.

“O-okay.” She turned around but quickly gasped. I looked at where she was looking and my heart stopped.

That woman had thrown the panties to the foot of the table. Ugh!

I quickly got up to cover it up.

“O-okay I-I'll be leaving n-now.” She tripped twice on the way to the door apologizing multiple times. Well, that would be my reaction too if I was in her situation.

I looked at the woman.

“Look Miyeo-”

“Doyeon..” She snapped.

“I am gay. I'm not interested in women.”

“What? Then what about all the signs you were giving me yesterday?”

“Well....that's just my face. I wasn't giving you any signs.” I shrugged.

She sat there for a while with the look of a ghost.

“Wait, you aren't making this up, are you?” She asked me again.

“Why would I?” I lied.

“Well, shit then. Fuck you, Park. I'm gonna go.” She shrugged.

“ did wanna.” I chuckled.

She laughed.

But before she left she said,
“You better change that?”

“Change what?”

“That habit of yours. Smirking and teasing. Girls are gonna fall, you know, hard.”

Of course. I nodded smiling. Well, that went unexpectedly well.

I went back to my work. Then it hit me.

The embarassment!!!

Shit what will Y/N think of me now.


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