Chapter 25

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You picked up the ringing phone.

“Hey babe..” His deep voice came from the other end of the line.

“Tae? Why are you calling in this phone? I told you that this is recorded.” You said looking towards Jimin's door.

“Well, then you should pick up your mobile phone.” He complained.

You checked your phone.

“Sorry, my battery is dead. Anything important?”

“Yeah. I was thinking we should take a three day trip to Jeju. I was going to book the tickets.” He sounded excited.

“Jeju? I don't know, Tae. With work and ever-”

“Ugh...make some excuse or something. Say you are sick.”

You really hoped Jimin wasn't listening to this.

“I can't…. I'm really sorry.”

“Aish fine.” He abruptly cut the call. He was pissed.

Five minutes later he called again.

“I forgot to say bye.” He still sounded irritated.

“Did you call again to say bye?” You chuckled.

“Bye. I'm cancelling the tickets.” He cut the call.

‘Why is he so cute?’


You didn't turn up at work the next day, or the day after or the day after that day

You had received a call telling that your grandmom was admitted to the hospital.

You reached there in no time and came to know that she had slipped in the bathroom. Poor old lady already had many health problems and this only complicated the situation.

The only living person connected to you by blood was your grandmom. Ever since you were four, you lived with her. She was what you grew up around. She taught you all the values that made you who you are. Even in old age she took up jobs for your education causing her health to worsen. After a major operation she was becoming better but you needed to work for Mr.Park so you had to come to Seoul.

You had appointed a nurse to look after her while you were away which was the best option as you couldn't bring her to Seoul with you.

It was really frightening to imagine her in such a situation. You felt like you hadn't told her how much you loved her….at least not directly.

The only memories that came to you were the ones where you fought with her and was being a brat to her.

But you loved her. As a child, all you wanted to do was protect her and give her a very good life.

You couldn't. She didn't wait for you.

“I'm sorry, Miss. Baek. We tried our best. But she couldn't make it. The injury to the head was serious.”

You nodded. After all you couldn't pull the doctor by his collar and ask him to bring her back.

And just like that....she left you too…


Taehyung squeezed your hand bringing you back to the present. You smiled.

“You okay?”

You smiled again. “I will be.……I need to go to work tomorrow.”

“Don't. I'll talk to Jimin.”

“No, please that would be too much drama to handle.”

Taehyung chuckled.

“I'll tell him myself tomorrow.”

Your phone rang again. Jimin was calling for the 86th time. You ignored it. Anyway you were going to tell him tomorrow. What's one more day?

But Jimin surely didn't give up because now he was calling Taehyung. After about the 5th time you asked him to pick it up and put it on speaker.

“Hello.” He said.

“Taehyung, where's Y/N?” His voice sounded exhausted.

“Uh…” Taehyung looked at you. “Uh, she's with me.”

There was silence for quite some time. Then he said, “Give her the phone.” His tone was a bit different…more stern.

“Well, she's busy. She can't speak to you right now. She'll come to work tomorrow. Bye.” Taehyung cut the call.

“It must be too much work for him at the office.” Taehyung said.

You sighed.

“Well, at least he needs me for that.”

A sad smile was painted across your face.


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