Chapter 3: Accused

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There I was standing there with the other heros as Naofumi was stripped of his armor and the clothes he came here with Myne was holding onto Motoyasu who appeared to being Naofumi's armor. He looked very confused not knowing what was happening. Apparently Naofumi got really drunk and raped Myne I was confused by this I may of not known Naofumi for long but he didn't seem like the guy to do that. The king declared Naofumi's crime was punishable by death. I wanted to listen to Naofumi's defense but the others didn't care I saw how angered Naofumi got I looked at Myne who was making faces at him. It was then I couldn't hold it back "hey staff hero here can we some proof of this alleged rape" the others gave me a look of anger "you don't believe Myne Y/N" Motoyasu said pointing his spear at me "that's not it idiot I just want proof" I said defending myself Naofumi had a look of hope on his face. The royal guard brought in a negligee that was found in Naofumi's room "see this is all the proof you need" Motoyasu declared "it wasn't there when I woke up" Naofumi declared "wait I saw Naofumi and Myne at the bar Naofumi didn't buy a single drink so he couldn't of been drunk" I said defending the poor guy. The others glared at me "so you where aware of this and did nothing" the king said yelling at me "your just as guilty" Ren said "stop right now!" Naofumi yelled "leave Y/N out of this he just wants the facts, just send me back home and forget about me" Naofumi said "I'm afraid I can't do that unfortunately, only when the waves are cleared can you go home" the king said rubbing his temples "also we can't summon any new heros until the current ones are dead" the king added. "The news of your actions have spread throughout the kingdom so don't expect any help or favors" the king said this angered Naofumi he broke free of the guards and before he could attack I stopped him "don't let them get to you, I figure this out just get stronger" I whispered in his ear. That calmed him down he threw his bag of coins at the king's feet and left the throne room. I could see Myne snickering "let it be known that the Shield Hero is a criminal and shouldn't be trusted by anyone" the king declared. I began to leave "staff hero be lucky you weren't with that criminal if there is another incident where your involved I won't be lenient with you" the king said with a smug look I was furious I sent a fire ball at his feet melting Naofumi's coins "if that was a threat I'd be careful" I said "watch yourself in front of the king that could be taken as an attack" Myne said "listen here lady I'm no White Knight so watch it" I threatened her and I let it hang there "what the hell Y/N!" Motoyasu said I ignored him and left the castle. "So this world shows it's true colors and it's only been 2 days" I said to myself.

Time Skip

It's been a week now since that day I've heard rumors that Naofumi has been gaining a reputation worth the accusation also I've noticed that people act weird or cautious around me I guess the king or the other heros spread a rumor about me being involved in a rape that didn't happen. As of right now I'm level 15 and it hasn't been easy I've been trying to take quests but the people who run the guilds will occasionally give me lower quests or they'll purposely take part of the reward. I can't complain though Naofumi has it worse I want to help him but he distances himself from others I hope he is okay I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Another thing I've been doing is researching on the Cardinal Heros apparently the kingdom of Melromarc has a religion that worships the 3 heros not all 5 which could explain why mine and Naofumi's treatment is crappy. The wave is coming soon so I have to get stronger so I can go home I'll take on any challenge and slay any monster.

A/N: Alright here is chapter 3 it's not a long one but it does establish that everyone hates Naofumi which I'm sure you already knew that and that people don't like Y/N which will make things harder. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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