Chapter 24: Hitting The Fan

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After our experience with the filolial queen we parted ways and decided to head back to kingdom of Melromarc because Naofumi and I decided that we needed to make amends with the other heroes as it was necessary to stop the waves. We were traveling by wagon that Filo was pulling the plan was to talk to Ren and Itsuki even if we had to force our way into the kingdom the thing that surprised us was that Melty actually supported the plan. From what Melty explained was that yes our reputation was bad and Melty did everything she could not to make it worse she did warn us that there were people like Rabier who would want to kill us so reputation was no longer a concern.

Time Skip

We managed to make it to the boarder and the first thing we see is an angry Motoyasu I've seen him pissed before but this look was pure hatred and anger. Naofumi and I knew that the filolial queen wanted us to make amends because if one of the Cardinal Heros died fighting the waves would be even more difficult. Naofumi got out of the cart and tried to talk to Motoyasu but he wasn't listening he went straight for an attack I immediately jumped out of the cart "listen you idiot we're trying to talk" I said "I don't care what you have to say, you have to pay for what you did" Motoyasu said "wait what did Y/N and I do?" Naofumi asked "you should know devil of the shield and staff demon" Motoyasu said "listen you big idiot we didn't do anything and it doesn't help when you don't tell us what we supposedly did" I said "try to play innocent but you know what you did you killed them Ren and Itsuki you killed and yet you act dumb" Motoyasu said "we didn't kill them we have witnesses" Naofumi said Motoyasu looked at the girls "their right they haven't killed them we've been with them the whole time" Raphtalia said "your being controlled by the brainwashing shield along with Filo and princess Melty" Motoyasu said "there is no such thing as the brainwashing shield spear perv" Luna said "I know that's not how you truly feel your only saying that because Y/N is using the mind stone on you and Nitra" Motoyasu said. At this point there was no way of getting him to listen he wanted to believe whatever he wanted  Melty wanted to know more about what happened while Naofumi and I didn't believe that Ren and Itsuki were dead because their bodies weren't found. Soon Malty stepped out from wherever "there is proof and plenty of credibility the information does come from agents of the church" she said. This pissed me and Naofumi off Malty then went on to say that it was us who released the Tyrant Dragon Rex and during the confusion we killed Ren and Itsuki and how the church confirmed all of it "fuck your church they lie!" I yelled "don't you dare mock the sacred church!" Malty yelled. Soon Malty created a large lightning cage she wanted us to fight but we still tried to reason with Motoyasu but still he wasn't listening to us "I only trust my friends and I don't need any more proof than that" Motoyasu said god it was like beating a dead horse with him. Soon quickly Motoyasu went to attack us he went straight for Naofumi but he put up his shield but suddenly his attacked changed direction and went for me so I quickly put up a barrier and blocked his attack I equiped my nature staff and sent Motoyasu back with a vine. Malty casted a zweite fire squall attempting to kill us all but Melty casted an anti spell to stop it Filo jumped in to the fight and hit Motoyasu one of his party members countered with an air shot luckily Luna cut the attack in half and started fighting that member. Motoyasu was willing to attack Filo which surprised us soon Malty and another part member casted a wind and fire spell to augment Motoyasu's spear to create an attack called the "air-burst flare lance I acted fast and equiped my dragon staff as the attack it hit me it began to nullify this surprised Motoyasu "time to clear the air" I said I charged up a wind blast in my hand and hit Motoyasu in the gut with it sending him flying back. Attacks like that went off by for the rest of the fight I summoned my shadow demon to fight Naofumi and Raphtalia created a combo skill that drained all of Motoyasu's MP even with no MP Motoyasu went to attack Naofumi I quickly used my basilisk stare to freeze him then Filo kicked him in the junk sending him flying I looked over and saw Raphtalia and Luna hit Malty causing her to fall down. Filo and Malty combined a wind and water attack then attached it to one of Nitra's arrows when she fired it the attack took out the all the members of Motoyasu's party with a typhoon. "How are you so strong?" Motoyasu asked "we got stronger day after day acquiring new abilities" Naofumi answered "and while worked hard all you did was play superhero, that's why you lost" I said. Even defeated Motoyasu still wouldn't listen to us his stupid annoying hero complex was acting up "listen jackass, there are no superheros in this world if you mess up people will die" I told him. I noticed that all the knights were gone so did Raphtalia I then felt a strong surge of power so did Filo she began to carry the injured to the middle "master use the rage shield something is coming" Filo said Naofumi quickly equiped it and casted a shield prison around us I felt the thing get stronger "it won't hold" I said Naofumi then casted multiple air strike shields I stepped in and enhanced the spells and casted my strongest barrier around the shield prison. Suddenly the attack hit when our spells faded we saw that there was a giant crater Malty recognized the attack she called it Judgment the strongest holy attack that a high priest could only use. We soon hear laughing and we see the priest from the church with an army around him "I compliment the a devil shield and staff demon survived such an attack" he said I could tell he was being sarcastic I could also tell that something was going to go down.

A/N: Alright readers we are coming closer to the end of this story sorry for the cliffhanger but I want to keep the suspense coming. What do you think will happen next when Naofumi and Y/N fight the church? The voting is still going on and the numbers are still the same as they were since the last chapter. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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