Chapter 12: The Golden Forest

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It had been two days since my "battle" with Motoyasu if you could call it that anyway I given a letter explaining that my presence was needed in the Golden Forest not much else was given. I asked Luna what she thought about the letter all she said was "I will go wherever Abru goes" so much for her opinion. It wouldn't be the first time I went somewhere with little to no information so I packed up our stuff threw it into a rift and headed out to the Golden Forest.

Time Skip

After finding directions to the Golden Forest the person gave us a warning about the forest people whoever they are. Luna and I just continued into the forest not knowing who the forest people were we just went to the spot the letter told us to meet at. Along the way I felt a strange presence that was following us with both curious and hostile intent "do you feel that?" I asked Luna "yes, I can smell it Abru, I hear it moving" Luna answered "how many?" I asked "15" Luna answered. We kept walking with our weapons ready so if those entities wanted to attack would when we reached the spot where the letter said we stopped and waited. We waited for an hour I looked around and saw nothing but nature I noticed Luna's ears twitch "Abru look out" Luna said grabbing an arrow in front of my face "I equiped my golem staff "come out show yourselves!" I yelled. When I said that the bushes and the trees began to shake soon there where people coming out of them I noticed they had pointy ears "damn it" I cursed "what is it Abru we can take them" Luna said "their elves Luna be careful" I warned her "right" she said. The elves began talking amongst themselves at first it sounded like gibberish then I began to hear what they where saying "we must stop them" an elf said "agreed the dog is mine" another said. The elves charged at us they fired arrows and magic spells at us I slammed my staff down and created a new golem a tree golem.

The elves were surprised by this my golem smacked them all around I then equiped my nature staff and sent vines after the elves

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The elves were surprised by this my golem smacked them all around I then equiped my nature staff and sent vines after the elves. The elves began attacking harder so did Luna and I we took down a lot of them we almost won but then an arrow hit the ground next to us it exploded releasing a sleeping a cloud of gas. I noticed what type of gas it was "Luna don't breathe it in!" I yelled but it was to late Luna began to fall down I used my thorn armor spell wrapping my body in thorny vines I soon felt a sharp pain I reached behind me and pulled out an arrow from my back my paralysis immunity kicked in "you gotta do better than that!" I yelled the elves looked surprised by what I said another feeling happened my thorn armor started diying I guess the arrow had another effect I then felt a heavy object hit the back of my head causing me to faint. I blacked out quickly the last thing I saw was them picking up Luna then I felt them pick me up.

Time Skip

I heard yelling in a foreign language as I began to wake up then I slowly opened my eyes and the language became more clearer. I looked around and saw Luna chained up then I noticed I was chained up as well. I noticed we were in some kind of throne room and there where a group of elves arguing over what to do with us they looked over when they heard me moving "the human is awake" an elf said "now we can get some answers" another said "what do you want to know?" I asked this surprised them "the men did say her could speak our language" an elf said. Luna began to wake up and started to freak out "Abru where I am I, where are you?" Luna called out an elf put an axe next to her head "I'll put this dog down if it doesn't quiet down" he said "Luna calm down I'm right here" I said calming her down "alright Abru" she said. The elves held us there in that throne room for a long time they kept asking us the same question "why did you come here?". I answered it again and again "we came here because we received a letter asking for us to come to these woods" they called me a liar each time I answered. I was beginning to lose my patience with these elves but I couldn't do much without my staff my spells wouldn't be strong enough Luna couldn't do much without he daggers. I saw two elves sitting on thrones they were looking at me the whole time but didn't say anything "hey you two the ones not saying anything we honestly never meant any harm we where attacked and we responded" I said "how dare you, talk to our king and queen like their commoners" an elf said he drew his sword on me "enough Holdrëd the human is right" the king said "yes your majesty" the Holdrëd guy said kneeling "we attacked these two without getting our facts first I've noticed how patient this man has been with us" the queen said "I also noticed that he was going to hurt Oren when he threatened to kill the girl" the king said. We managed to get somewhat of an understanding with the elves that they removed the chains from Luna and I an elf came in with our stuff and the letter I got. When the king and queen read it they understood what was going on "I can tell you this sir L/N and miss Luna we do apologize for our behavior in this situation" the king said "we normally don't go after people in our woodland kingdom, but recently we've been having a major problem with our kingdom being attacked and I've managed to get a reading on your character and you seem like a trustworthy person that might help us out" the queen said. I explained to them that I was the staff hero and I would gladly help them they explained to me that the original staff hero helped them build there kingdom from the trees and he taught them nature magic. As we talked about their problem the ground began to shake and there was loud screaming coming from outside a female elf entered through the large doors she had blonde hair and was carrying a large bow .

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