Chapter 14: Turtle Guardian

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When we left the hourglass I checked my status and apparently our level cap was raised and we gained a class upgrade but it would only work once until we ranked up using the hourglass then it would reset. The girls and I had one day left before the next wave came so we were given three options train for the wave, get new information on the next stone or check out a temple built on  an ancient river. We weighed our options and chose the quicker one we'd go to the temple as it was closer. We'd take a boat ride up the river to go check out the temple and be back before the wave came simple and easy.

Time Skip

The boatman dropped us off halfway up the river when I asked why he had claimed that the river guardian would sink the boat and kill us. With no other option the girls and I walked up the river the scenery was peaceful the birds where chirping and the wind was moving but I did notice a dark spot in the river moving up and it looked like the fish were avoiding it as they swam down the river. After some time we came upon the temple it looked like the temple was built on top of the river and the river ran through it. I looked at the river and saw the dark spot dive down I was confused and the girls noticed it "what's wrong Y/N?" Nitra asked "yeah Abru is something wrong?" Luna asked "it's nothing let's continue" I answered. The temple was amazing in the center was a large pool with an entry and an exit for the river to flow through there was also a wooden walkway that lead to the center of the pool. We looked around and found nothing real important just paintings of the so called guardian and how the monks of the temple gave it offerings. I decided to check out the walkway "I don't think that's such a good idea" Nitra said "I agree with her Abru" Luna said "it's fine" I said trying to reassure them "I've seen plenty of situations like this before if a monster jumps out and tries to kill me I'll be okay" I added. It wasn't like Jaws or Lake Placid I figured that this temple didn't hold a guardian so I'd be fine I walked out to the end of the walkway and looked around and found nothing I turned to the girls and smiled "see nothing" I said waking back as did I noticed the dark spot from before move around as I got close to the girls I heard noises coming from the water "hey Nitra what is the location of this temple?" I asked "it's to the North" she answered "why, does it matter?" Nitra asked "it's just that..." I managed to say as the boards behind me broke I turned around and saw a giant turtle come from the water it had claws, spikes pretty much everything a turtle monster would have.

" I managed to say as the boards behind me broke I turned around and saw a giant turtle come from the water it had claws, spikes pretty much everything a turtle monster would have

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"Son of a..." I managed to say as the turtle grabbed me and dragged me down into the water I heard the girls call out for me as I sank. Being wrapped up by a giant ninja turtle wasn't the best it was the drowning part that sucked I tried to fight back but my staff was in it's mouth. I began to black out until I felt something grab me I noticed an arrow with a rope on it hit me and an arrow with a snare wrapper around my staff pull us out of the water. I felt something touch my mouth then I felt air going into my lungs I got up spat out water I looked around and saw Nitra next to me and an angry Luna looking at us "what happened?" I asked "the turtle guardian dragged you down Luna gave me the idea to pull you up" Nitra answered "that's great thank you but then who gave me CPR?" I asked trailing off looking at the blushing Nitra I got up quickly and walked towards the water "what are you doing Abru?, you can't fight that thing" Luna said "she's right the turtle is to strong and has the advantage of the water" Nitra added "we can't leave there's water under the temple the turtle will try and stop us no matter where we go" I said there was only one way out.

Time Skip

The girls and I came up with a plan to lure the turtle out I made a cage using metal magic and we decided to use Luna as bait. She didn't like the idea but she was the only one with strong enough lungs to survive. We lowered into the water slowly "farewell and adieu, to you Spanish ladies" I sang as we lowered Luna down "what's that song Y/N?" Nitra asked "well it's a song from my world" I answered. It didn't take to long for the turtle to go after Luna when she rang the bell we pulled her up quickly she was holding onto the top of the cage as the turtle was biting the bottom. Now with an opening I fired an ice storm spell at the and Nitra sent a frost arrow at the turtle. The turtle was slowed down and couldn't go under the water Nitra, Luna and I jumped down onto the ice and went to attack the turtle I equiped my golem staff and created an ice golem to fight alongside with us against the turtle.

 The turtle was slowed down and couldn't go under the water Nitra, Luna and I jumped down onto the ice and went to attack the turtle I equiped my golem staff and created an ice golem to fight alongside with us against the turtle

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The fight was hard the turtle smashed my ice golems as I made them Nitra kept sending flare arrows which didn't dry it's skin so Luna could cut it. The turtle opened it's mouth and revealed a snake like tongue and sent scalding water at us but for some reason it kept missing us. It hit me that the turtle was trying to melt the ice "girls stop it from melting the ice" I told them "right" they both said and got to work on stopping the turtle's plan. The fight kept going on I noticed the turtle was reading another attack as it got on it's back legs "girls get off the ice!" I yelled they nodded and jumped off "wait Y/N" Nitra said "Abru what are you doing" Luna pled I ignored them and equiped my new staff the mystic lighting staff I got from absorbing that Thunderbird feather.

 The fight kept going on I noticed the turtle was reading another attack as it got on it's back legs "girls get off the ice!" I yelled they nodded and jumped off "wait Y/N" Nitra said "Abru what are you doing" Luna pled I ignored them and equiped ...

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The turtle roared and smashed it's body down on the ice breaking it completely it dived in and I dove in after it. I needed to paralyze it and my basilisk stare wasn't going to work because of the membrane on it's eyes would just reflect the attack. I grabbed the turtle's neck causing it to shake I sent a mystic thunderbolt down on us and as it came down it looked like a bird was flying around the bolt. The attack hit the turtle stunning it long enough for me to equip my beast master staff and send out the spell to trap the turtle. When the turtle was captured I sent a torrent of water from my feet and propelled myself out of the water I successfully landed in front of the girls who had been worrying about me. The hit me first than gave me hug while this was happening a message popped up "turtle guardian captured 10 out of 25 slots filled now able to breathe under water and able to create water shell to protect from attacks also gained water healing". I pulled out a scale I got from when I grabbed the turtle and absorbed it "new series unlocked turtle guardian staff, new spells added" with these new powers we'd be able to fight the next wave. I opened a portal back to the castle town and told the girls I'd buy them lunch before and that we would need some sleep because today was longer than expected.

A/N: Here's the latest chapter hope it's a good one not much to talk about hope everyone has a great weekend I know I will. Be ready for the next one on Monday. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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