Chapter 6: The First Wave

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I had made it into the tower and I began to look around for someone to help me with my problem. After walking around I found where the hourglass I also saw Naofumi with a young tanuki girl who looked like Raphtalia and Motoyasu and his party. Right now the idiot Motoyasu was hitting on the tanuki girl trying to warn her about Naofumi. I quickly teleported behind him and whacked him on the head with my staff he turned around rubbing his head "ouch, who the hell did that?" he asked angrily he saw me "I did you stupid pervert" I said crossing my arms "how dare you strike sir Motoyasu" Myne said coming forward I didn't even look over at her "you shut up no one cares" I said coldly "hey don't talk about my party member like that" Motoyasu said trying to defend her. I ignored him and created a portal teleporting him and his party away I walked over to Naofumi and the girl he was with "that should keep them busy for awhile" I said "thanks but I didn't need your help" Naofumi said "yeah yeah, you'd just walk out angrily" I said Naofumi just made "tcch" sound "now please tell me who this is, if she's another slave where gonna need to have another talk" I said tapping my foot "don't you recognize me sir L/N?" the girl asked "no not really you look like the little Raphtalia I met are you her sister?" I asked looking confused "I thought Motoyasu was the idiot, it's Raphtalia" Naofumi said I was surprised I then took another look at the girl first I saw her then I pictured the little Raphtalia "well you grew up" I said congratulating her she began to blush "don't tell me your going to hit on her like a lolicon pervert" Naofumi said "wait what kind of person do you think I am" I said defensively "master Naofumi and sir L/N please stop fighting, your friends" Raphtalia said standing in between us. I sighed then started to laugh as did Naofumi "well I've got to go, I'll see you around" I said "yeah whatever" Naofumi said "take care of him Raphtalia he can be an idiot sometimes and when I'm not there there's no one to help him so I'm asking you to take my place" I told Raphtalia "right I will sir L/N you can count on me" Raphtalia said "good girl" I said to myself as I left them.

Time Skip

I went to the hourglass for nothing no one would or could help all the lady said was "the king has declared that no one in this building is to aid the shield or staff hero with either quests or enhancing skills further". That pissed me off some but luckily I found a mystic who was proficient in ancient languages she read the script and translated it all the script read "ye who wishes the powers that came before creation must find all 6 entities and control their power only then will you have access to infinity" it didn't tell me anything else I wish I found a map or something to help me find them but whatever I do like a challenge. Luckily I had enough time to prepare for the wave before it came which was going to happen very soon the clock finally reached 0 and I was teleported in the air next to a village I quickly summoned my griffin and we landed on the ground. The sky turned red then portals started appearing it reminded me of an American movie I saw where creatures came from a hole in the sky. Skeleton creatures began to attack me I blocked all their attacks I then called upon the twin tailed to attack  we managed to kill plenty of monsters. I heard other attacks from afar I assumed it was the others then I heard screaming villagers I ran the source of the screams and I found Naofumi and Raphtalia protecting people I saw a monster come up behind Naofumi I quickly sent a thunderbolt attack killing the monster he looked over and saw me "thanks" he said "no problem, what's the situation?" I asked "these people didn't evacuate they need help" Naofumi answered "great I'll fight and help as many as I can" I said "get them to the mine"  Naofumi said I noded than ran off to help the people of the village.

Time Skip

We managed to get lots of people out of the village but then the knights started fire bombing the village "what the hell those idiots" I said running to find Naofumi. Naofumi was trying to get some knights to help us and stop the bombing sadly the commander ran off with other knights to assist the other 3 heros which pissed me off more "come back here cowards!" I yelled luckily a young officer and a few other low ranked knights stayed to help us. The plan was they'd fight the monsters and I'd put out the fires with my water magic we did this by ourselves until the men of the village came to help us. The fight raged on "those 3 better slay that damn wave boss monster" I say under my breath as I kill a zombie. After awhile the sky cleared and the wave stopped I fell down and sighed "thank God it's over" I said "your right" Naofumi said standing next to me. We soon look around and see that we managed to save the buildings Raphtalia joined up with us as the villagers came to thank us for saving them but sadly there was casualties which was inevitable which sucks but that's how things are. Raphtalia asked Naofumi if we had prevented any children from becoming orphans to which he simply answered "yes" she then began to cry some. Before we left I healed the injured villagers with Naofumi I used my phoenix tears to heal the severely injured. After today I was going to have a long talk with the king about burning down villages with people still in it and the cowardice of this kingdom's knights.

Time Skip

After our victory of the wave Naofumi, Raphtalia and I returned to the castle where the king congratulated us by us I mean Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu however the king pay us even if he cursed us a bit. After all that was over a party began I was eating some food while I was checking my stats my griffin and twin tailed scorpion level and stats increased as did my skills and robes, I also noticed my phoenix magic went up. I began to look around the room I saw the knight commander who abandoned Naofumi and I he was bragging about being a big help to the 3 heros even though he probably did nothing, then I saw Motoyasu being surounded by a bunch of noble women with Myne looking jealous I laughed some and then I came to find Naofumi off in the corner with Raphtalia trying to feed him it was a cute sight. Quickly this peace ended when Motoyasu threw down a glove at Naofumi's feet he was challenging him to a duel over Raphtalia's freedom this caused a commotion everyone began to look over. Motoyasu went on that it was morally wrong to keep Raphtalia as a slave then he demanded that she be set free Naofumi brought up that slavery was allowed in this world and he didn't see the problem with it that only pissed off Motoyasu more he went on to explain that since we where from another world it was wrong of us the others were shocked that Naofumi did this. I intervened "listen calm down both of you" I said "I can't do that Y/N it's wrong and I have to do something" Motoyasu said "don't help me fight this one" Naofumi said with no other option I asked "what does Naofumi get if he wins?" Motoyasu couldn't come up with anything "things stay the same" he answered Naofumi began to leave "where do you think your going?" Motoyasu asked "I'm leaving I'm not going to duel you if I gain nothing from it" Naofumi answered. Before he could leave the king appeared he called Naofumi rotten to the core and that he was despicable he then demanded that Naofumi fight instead Naofumi tried to leave but was stopped by guards they grabbed Raphtalia and gaging her I couldn't hold it in I slammed my staff down releasing dark energy "enough!" I yelled causing everyone to stop. Raphtalia was gone I then asked  "why do you care?, you have slaves" everyone looked at the king "this duel will happen and as for you staff hero you will be delt with accordingly" the king said.

A/N: Oh snap shit just got real what will happen now what will Y/N do know that he's in this mess with Naofumi? All that will be answered in the next chapter. As always thank you for reading and as always I will see you later

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