Chapter 17: Power Itself

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I had started chasing the mysterious person that had fought Nitra and Luna while I was in the library. I chased the person on the rooftops of the city I would throw a spell at them but they'd either dodge it or put up a barrier. It got to the point where we were running out of roof so to end this chase I used my reality magic and made the person's legs turn to stone. The person started to struggle when I got closer I noticed that the mysterious person sounded feminine I stood in front of the person I pulled back their hood to reveal a young woman with cat ears she was a neko.

She gave me a look as her tail twitched behind her before she did anything I grabbed her neck and squeezed a bit I reversed the stone legs and picked her up in the air "tell me who you work for if it's the king you'll be six feet under" I said in ...

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She gave me a look as her tail twitched behind her before she did anything I grabbed her neck and squeezed a bit I reversed the stone legs and picked her up in the air "tell me who you work for if it's the king you'll be six feet under" I said in a low voice " down...can't breathe" she said I instantly let her go "gosh usually we eat dinner first then we do the rough stuff" she said "hurry up my patience is thin" I said "first off my name is Kina" she started off with "didn't ask don't care tell me who you work with?" I said clearly irritated "pushy but I can understand, I don't work for that idiot king I work with the queen, I'm not a shadow like her regular guards but I am her right hand woman for any espionage type missions" Kina said finally answering me. I felt kind of bad for grabbing her like that so I apologized "I'm sorry for the whole choking thing I thought you worked for the king and you tried to hurt my party" she gave me a look "it's okay no harm no fowl, there was a misunderstanding with the girls they thought I was going to hurt you but before I could tell them what I came for they attacked me" Kina said. Hearing that I sighed "those two are idiots sometimes" I said "so what did you come here for?" I asked "you see the king wants the power of infinity for his own reasons, the queen wants the power to stay with you" Kina answered I nodded "she sent me to give this to you" Kina said handing me a piece of paper. I opened the paper and saw that it was a map and it lead to a place called the "stones keep" it was the place I was looking for. I thanked Kina for giving me this and told her to send a message to the queen reassuring her that I'd find the six stones. As Kina and I were talking I heard the girl's voices behind me I turned around and saw them running towards us "Kina please relay that message" I said she nodded "good luck" she said I opened a portal under her "wait Y/N what are you doing this isn't funny" Kina said falling down into the portal "here this is quicker" I said waving my hand. Right as the girls got closer to me I put up a barrier causing them to run into it "why'd you do that?" Luna asked "yes Y/N why did you stop us?" Nitra asked "because you need to let someone talk before you attack them" I answered causing the girls to look confused.

Time Skip

I had a long discussion with the girls on who the cloaked person was and what their goal was. They were surprised when they found out that Kina was here to give me a map that lead to the next stone and that she worked for the queen. Luna was mad that a cat beat her in a fight and she pouted about it all the way to the stones keep. I told the girls to be careful I didn't know what was going to happen when we entered the cave so they kept their weapons readied as we entered. I kept a look out for any traps as we walked down the dark corridor if it wasn't super dark or I was alone I'd be dancing down the hallway and sing a bit but sadly I didn't. We walked for an hour now until we reached a large room in the middle was stone table with bars of light around it and in the middle was a purple stone. Nitra and Luna stepped forward I stopped them "wait I feel something" I said I then walked forward and went to the table I reached out to grab the stone when a blast of dark energy hit me and sent me flying back into the wall next to the girls "Y/N!" Nitra said worried "Abru!" Luna said holding me "I'm fine" I said getting up I looked over to where the stone was and saw a black haze coming from the cracks of the stone table then this ooze came out and it started to form something it had arms but no legs it had wings and horns it looked like a demon made of pure darkness.

 Nitra and Luna stepped forward I stopped them "wait I feel something" I said I then walked forward and went to the table I reached out to grab the stone when a blast of dark energy hit me and sent me flying back into the wall next to the girls "Y...

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It looked at me and snarled it reached through the light cage and grabbed the stone it's body began to show cracks on it that glowed purple. I gave an item to the girls "use a fire spell and a lightning spell on this when and if things get bad" I told them as I approached the demon I equiped my blades staff and tapped it on the ground making the floor glow gold "come on" I told the demon it roared and flew at me I created an axe and sent it at the demon's head I thought that worked when the demon's head was split down the middle but black goo veins put the head back together. After that first attempt the demon and I went back and forth when I'd injure it the demon would repair itself the girls tried to join in but I told them to stay back. I created a ball of golden light as the demon created a ball of darkness we fired the attacks at each other there was a large explosion there was a lot of smoke when it cleared out the tomb was destroyed the demon was still standing it started walking towards the girls I needed to act quickly I threw a rock at it gaining it's attention I started to dance causing the demon to grow confused I looked to the girls and gave them a single the grabbed the hadreon box and began to charge it up. I started to dance walk over to the demon still confused the demon scratched it's head "it's called a distraction you big idiot" I said punching the demon in the face. The demon turned around when it heard the sound of the box being charged it turned around when it went off the attack cut the demon's arm off I ran forward with my beast master staff equipped I casted the spell which created golden chains that wrapped around the demon and absorbed it I grabbed the dismembered hand got the stone out and absorbed it I also absorbed the hand before it faded out. Two messages popped up "4 of 6 collected now able to increase strength to max level and beyond also able to cast obliterating blast" the other one said "shadow demon arm absorbed now able to cast new shadow spells". The girls ran over to me and gave me a hug "don't ever do that again" Nitra said "yeah Abru you scared me" Luna said "so you doubted me" I said jokingly but they didn't take it like that they started hitting me and scolding me I laughed while they did that.

A/N: Alright that's 4 down and 2 more to go I hope the new demon is cool addition. Still waiting for answers to my last chapter I will be excepting them all this month. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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