Chapter 18: Wanted

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After fighting the shadow demon and capturing it I managed to get the power stone. I managed to capture the demon along with gaining a new staff from absorbing it's severed arm which was a big gain. With the stone acquired the girls and I left the cave through a portal that lead to the forest. We decided to walk for until it got dark then we would set up camp.

Time Skip

After a while I made a fire and laid out the sleeping bags. Nitra wanted to be the one to make us dinner but she needed some ingredients so she asked Luna to go out and find them. I noticed that the girls had finally started to get along with each other. I liked the change it meant that they wouldn't be arguing all the time. While Nitra was cooking dinner a question came up "Y/N who where you talking about before the second wave?" Nitra had asked "yeah Abru I wanted to know too but never had the chance to ask" Luna added in. I gave them a look and decided that it didn't matter if they knew about my sister "well you see I was promising that I would stay alive and win so I could see my sister again" they had a strange look "you have a sibling?" Luna said in confusion "and a sister non the less" Nitra said "what's wrong with me having a sister?" I asked "it's not that it's wrong Abru" Luna began "but now we know who we need to ask" Nitra finished "what do you need to ask my sister?" I asked in confusion "well you know what it's nothing Y/N" Nitra said. After that awkward conversation the three of us ate the food Nitra made "hey Abru where is your sister?" Luna asked I stopped for a minute "well Luna she's back in my world" I answered "wait your not from here" Luna said surprised "yeah since I'm one of the five Cardinal Heros I was summoned from another world" I said "you didn't know Luna?" Nitra asked "no I didn't the slave traders never taught me about the heros" Luna answered that shocked Nitra "well when the waves are finally over I will return home to my sister" I said changing the subject but it also made the girls have a weird look. After all of that I decided to go to sleep it felt like the night was going on to long.

Time Skip

I was asleep in my sleeping bag trying to not think about what happened I kept thinking about my sister and how she was doing then I remembered the look the girls had when I told them I'd eventually have to go home I'd never seen them make that face before. I decided to stop thinking and go to sleep but then I felt something lay on top of me I rolled over and found Nitra laying her chest on me and Luna grabbing my arm tightly to her chest "what are you two doing go sleep in your own sleeping bags" I said struggling to get out of their grasps "listen Y/N I never told you this but the main reason my father and mother let me go with you was before you are a strong man and the royalty and since I'm royalty and have superior skills our children would gain both gain those skills also it helps that you won my heart the day you saved me from that attack" Nitra told me "same here Abru you saved me from the those evil people and on that day I marked you as my alpha your part of my pack so is Nitra" Luna said. All that shocked me but I needed to get out of this situation there was a loud crash and bang in the distance which caught the girls attention with that moment I used my reality magic to fade away from them and ran towards the noise in the distance I heard the girls groan when I did it "get dressed you two and meet me over there" I yelled as I ran.

Time Skip

I ran quickly through the trees to the source of the noise and I saw Naofumi and his party on a cliff side with Ren and Itsuki on the other with Motoyasu, Malty and some royal guards running towards them I decided to make my presence known. When I jumped down it startled Naofumi and the others "Y/N it's you" Naofumi said "who else would it be" I responded "look the shield demon is with staff hero" a guard said "what's going on?" I asked Naofumi "those guards tried to kill Melty then they framed me for kidnapping her" Naofumi answered "are you okay princess?" I asked "I'm fine sir Y/N" Melty answered "careful men the shield demon has used his mind control shield on the princess and now has help from the staff hero" Malty said out loud. This situation was bad they other heros and the guards were coming closer so I used my magic and destroyed the path I then used my magic and created a wind blast to knock everyone back Ren and Itsuki were the only to withstand it "what's going on you two?" Ren asked "I don't know but there is something going on the kingdom is against me and Y/N just look and you'll find something" Naofumi answered "what about you Y/N" Itsuki asked "look I saw the signs from the first day we came to this world the kingdom hates the shield and the staff and it has to do with their religion just be careful you two" I said with that I created a portal and took Naofumi and his party away.

Time Skip

After a long discussion with Naofumi we decided to meet up in shieldfreeden I told him I had to find the other two stones before I did that but I would be there in shieldfreeden when I did I told him to also call me on the crystal orb I gave him if anything bad happened. When that was done I found Nitra and Luna they apologized for their actions and I forgave them I explained to them that I couldn't start a relationship because I would eventually return home and that they couldn't return home with me I then told them the plan and what had happened they were shocked that the kingdom would go to such lows to get rid of a hero. While we were talking a familiar feline female crept up on us it was Kina the girls went to attack her but I stopped them Kina apologized for attacking the girls back at the kingdom but that wasn't what she came here for she gave me information on the next stone it was in shrine that was holding a fire demon at bay. I thanked her and set off with the girls before I left Kina stopped me and gave me a kiss on the cheek "be careful" was what she said Luna and Nitra had the look of jealousy on their faces I laughed a bit and started to walk.

A/N: Hey guys sorry it took so long to release a new chapter but I was having a bit of writers block and after graduation laziness but now I'm back and I'm going to get on with writing this story. As of right now the first season of the Rising of the Shield Hero is over soon with like one episode left that's when I will take a break from this book and start finishing my SAO story and start writing another. So for now I'm going to end this with a vote after this series takes a break until the second season what should I write about while I'm finishing up my SAO story what should I write about next?

- Black Clover

- Wise Man's Grandchild

- Soul Eater

- Fairy Tail

As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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