Chapter 11: The Staff V.S The Spear

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Luna and I have been on a bunch of quests since the golems and we haven't stopped yet with my new golem making magic I could make the same golems we fought plus some new ones as long as I had the materials at first I had the villagers help me then I got the hang of it with a new power comes a new staff and the golem staff was pretty strong.

Luna and I have been on a bunch of quests since the golems and we haven't stopped yet with my new golem making magic I could make the same golems we fought plus some new ones as long as I had the materials at first I had the villagers help me then...

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I managed to make clay golems from the ground and rock golems from boulders and metal golems from iron found in the ground or broken weapons crystal golems where harder to make they came from the staff itself and cost me a lot of magic but in return they where stronger and harder to beat. Right now Luna and I were eating a meal I prepared for us I was helping her with her reading and she was working hard on it. While she was reading I was trying to figure out what the origin of power was and where it was located but with little to no luck on finding it. After awhile Luna and I left to go on a small quest nothing major just exterminate a giant spider nest and kill it's queen super easy.

Time Skip

We found the entrance to the nest as it was a bunch of rocks and broken trees webbed up to form an entrance. "Abru I don't want to go in there" Luna said shivering "why's that?" I asked "because spiders Abru" Luna answered. I pushed Luna forward trying to scare her some as a joke but she turned around and started hitting my chest "that's not funny Abru, I hate spiders" Luna said "well I guess I'll just have to catch one" I said Luna gave me a look "if you do that I will steal your food for a week" Luna said trying to threaten me. After some laughs I decided to draw out the queen for Luna's sake I summoned the twin tailed scorpion and the griffon as support. I told Luna to launch an air spell to enhance my flame spell we were going to smoke them out and the scorpion and griffon would kill the stragglers we didn't get.

Time Skip


he plan was working all the spiders where coming out and as soon as they did they were killed except the queen she hadn't left the nest out this confused Luna and I. After awhile we stopped as all the smaller spiders had died I soon felt something grab me I looked down and noticed a web at hit my waist I looked at Luna and she looked at me "oh come on" I said as I was quickly pulled back. I fell down and looked up to see the giant queen spider looking at me.

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