Chapter 16: Again With This

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With the wave over I went over to Naofumi and used phoenix healing magic to restore his MP and HP completely without using a potion. With everything that just happened and this so-called Glass leading the wave left questions that I needed answered. Another thing that I needed to know was how he obtained such an evil shield. But before I could ask him a royal guard showed up and demanded that Naofumi and meet with the king immediately. I didn't really want to talk to the old man but if I didn't Naofumi would be alone with him and that was not a good idea.

Present Day

The king was watching everything that had happened during the wave while Naofumi and I waited for what he had to say. The king was shocked when he saw Naofumi's iron maiden attack and when Glass said I had three pieces of infinity. When it was all over the King reluctantly congratulated Naofumi and I for stopping the wave and beating the new threat I knew he didn't like to admit it but we had done most of the work. Things moved on the king's tone changed he demanded to know how Naofumi had obtained such tremendous offensive power and how I managed to gain three pieces in infinity and if I knew where the other three where. I saw Naofumi grow a cock look and declared that the king should kneel before him and beg for the answer I sighed a bit knowing what was going to happen next. Naturally the king sicced his guards on us which in turn made Naofumi summon one of his shields Naofumi stated that he was the one who defeated the wave boss which made the guards back up. I felt like things were going to escalate if I didn't do anything so I acted fast I equiped my mystic lighting staff and slammed it down creating a large amount of sparks "enough both of you, I am the one who defeated the new foe and I have as much of a say in this as anyone" I said gaining everyone's attention "we are not going to be acting like monsters" I said. Naofumi looked at me then back to the king "Y/N is right I'm not going to act like a monster, but you will still have to beg for my answer" Naofumi told the king which angered him "we may not be able to bring you in for your crimes then your slaves will pay instead" the king said. When he said that I could see the look Naofumi gave the king then what he said next about hunting the king down to the ends of the Earth making him regret ever being born that threat made the guards shiver Naofumi quickly left the throne room. When Naofumi left I decided to join but was soon stopped by the king "you still haven't answered my question" he said "I got the three by helping out a village and a kingdom and just finding one, I'm not going to tell you where the other three are" I said. My answer made the king angry "you have an excuse to why you have power, but the two girls with you..." the king managed to say before I created some magic swords and pointed them at him "finish that sentence I dare you, Nitra isn't just some girl she's the daughter of the elven king who rules over the Golden Forest and Luna is a loyal person who will kill you if you hurt me or touch her" I said. I was pissed now I de-summoned the swords and opened a portal and left through it before I did something that I might not regret doing.

Time Skip

When I told the girls what the king said they got mad not just because of what the king was going to say but mostly because I didn't end his miserable life on the spot. Later that day I gave the girls some money so they could go and do whatever while I searched the library for clues on where the next stone was. At first they tried to stay but I told them I needed some time alone to do this. With that they both left but before they did I told them to stay out of trouble and if anything weird or suspicious happens let  come straight back here I didn't trust the king to take mine and Naofumi's threat lightly he might try something to harm us. With the quite of the library I went through almost every book about ancient history while looking for the next stone I read a book called the four great beasts in it was descriptions of four guardians each with access to an element the bird of fire, the tiger of lightning, the turtle of water and the dragon of air it intrigued me as I had been to three temples and fought three beasts that seemed very similar to the ones I fought. The dragon temple was the last one and it was said to be located where the air was the most purest. The book also said that time burns like fire like the life of a living creature, that it is unpredictable like a lightning bolts path, it flowed like water in a stream and that it was invisible like the air but was always around. That part seemed to stick out to me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I looked around some more and found an old scroll it was written in an ancient language so my translate skill kicked in and I read what the scroll had written down on it. "The origin of power is held at the stone keep in the darkest part of the demon's tunnel" there was the full thing on that parchment I found I continued to read more "only one who is stronger than the demon or holds the blood of a celestial guardian may wield the full power of the stone" with all that information I may know where to look for the next stone I heard a loud explosion outside and quickly packed up all my things and ran outside. There I found Nitra and Luna fighting a strange person in a robe and when that person saw me they vanished "Abru" Luna said "stop them Y/N" Nitra said with a quickness I summoned the griffin and began to chase the cloaked person.

A/N: Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger like that but it needed to happen. Can you guess who the person Y/N is chasing is or what my cryptic clues are who ever guesses right will have a surprise for them. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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