Chapter 13: Royal Pain

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We had finally left the elf kingdom and were on our way to leave the Golden Forest when Luna noticed we were being followed "Abru were being followed" she said "I felt it too" I said I decided to cast a wind blade spell at the tree next to us and as to be expected someone fell from the tree but it was who fell that surprised us it was non other than Nitra. "What are you doing up there?" I asked "yeah why are you following us?" Luna asked with a low growl "I'm sorry Y/N, I asked my father and mother and they both agreed" Nitra answered "agreed to what?" I asked confused "well first off my father wanted me to give you this" Nitra said handing me a crystal feather the feather sparked a bit when I touched it "what is it?" I asked "this feather holds the power of a sacred guardian that served the original staff hero" Nitra answered. I crushed the crystal feather surprised Nitra "why did you do that Y/N?" Nitra deadpanned "just wait" was all I said I really hope this works and I didn't just break a national treasure or something. We waited for something to happen I began to become nervous Nitra kept giving me a look soon thunder clouds appeared and it began to rain we heard a loud caw and wings flapping we looked around and saw nothing then there was a gust of wind and another caw I soon saw a giant bird with lighting coming off it's body it was a gray color with white eyes it resembled a hawk.

 We waited for something to happen I began to become nervous Nitra kept giving me a look soon thunder clouds appeared and it began to rain we heard a loud caw and wings flapping we looked around and saw nothing then there was a gust of wind and an...

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We stared at the bird until it landed down next to us I cawed again causing the ground to shake it looked around then it stopped at me it stared at me then it flew at me but as it got closer it shrunk down to the regular size of a hawk. The bird landed on my staff and cawed again "it's a Thunderbird" Nitra said Luna looked at it in awe I changed my staff to the beast master one and the Thunderbird tapped it and disappeared and left a feather behind my staff absorbed the feather and message popped up "Thunderbird feather acquired new series available, now able to use mystic thunder and lightning attacks". I thanked Nitra for the gift and told her to give my thanks to her family as Luna and I were going to leave again Nitra stopped us "that's not all" Nitra began "my father and mother both agreed that I am able to join you on your quest to stop the waves amongst other things" Nitra said mumbling the last part "please take care of me and let us be successful in the future" Nitra said giving me a tight hug. Luna's face went red and she got angry "get off of him, Abru is mine" Luna said "really now Y/N is not property" Nitra argued. Quickly the two females began to fight figuratively like cats and dogs it was a real mess I could barely understand what they were saying but my name was thrown around a lot when the two pulled weapons out I quickly tried to stop the fighting.

Time Skip

After that mess I managed to get the girls to calm down and stop their fighting. Luna begged for us to send Nitra back but I told her no and to stop complaining about it which she did Nitra for some reason kept walking closer to me which would cause Luna to do so as well. I finally decided that I couldn't take it so I opened a portal to the castle town and went through it the girls followed right behind m. Before we entered I laid the rules down no fighting, no magic and no irritating me they nodded and kept quite but they would give each other a glare. We walked around until I ran into a familiar face it was Naofumi with Raphtalia they looked exhausted like they ran a mile I also noticed that there was a new face with them it was a small blonde girl with wings. When Naofumi noticed me he called over "hey Y/N it's been awhile" he said "yeah same to you" I responded "hello there sir L/N" Raphtalia greeted "and hello to you too Raphtalia" I responded. The little girl stared at me "hello sir are friends with master?" she asked tilting her head "Naofumi why did she call you master I thought we had a discussion about this" I said  Naofumi put his hands up "Filo isn't technically a slave" Naofumi began "wait what do you mean Filo I thought she was your Filolial" I questioned "wait your masters friend" the Filo girl said jumping up and down like she knew me "it's not like you can talk look at those two with you" Naofumi said pointing at Luna and Nitra "their not slaves they just joined my once peaceful solo party" I said sighing. We talked and I introduced the girls to Naofumi and his girls I started to believe that the little girl was Filo when I sensed her powers her level was growing and fast which was incredible for a small girl. We talked some more when I heard a familiar annoying voice "Naofumi, Y/N!" I looked over and saw Motoyasu running at us I sighed as did Naofumi I made a barrier and as usual Motoyasu ran into it "that hurt Y/N" Motoyasu said "what do you want idiot?" I asked "I'm here to save those girls with you" Motoyasu answered "remember spear idiot I'm staying with Abru" Luna said "don't worry Luna I will prove that I am stronger than Y/N" Motoyasu told her. The rest of Motoyasu's party came forward even her that bitch Malty Motoyasu noticed Filo and began gawking at her "loli" I said "perv" Naofumi said. Motoyasu kept going off how Naofumi got a new slave and how a new girl had joined me when he said Filo was a type that grossed me out he tried to hit on Nitra to which she responded with an arrow pointed at his head "let me kill him" she asked causing Motoyasu to back up "how dare a dirty elf threaten sir Motoyasu" Malty spoke up Nitra loaded up another arrow "I'll kill her as well" she said causing Malty to gulp "don't, it will be an even more annoying problem if she's dead more than she already is alive" I told Nitra she lowered her arrows. Malty noticed our medals from the elf kingdom "are those medals from the high elves?" She asked "yes Y/N and Luna earned them by saving my father's kingdom" Nitra said this surprised Malty "so your a princess" Motoyasu said getting closer to Nitra she side kicked his shin almost breaking it "I didn't think the elves let people live, surely you would of died" Malty said suspiciously. Naofumi and I noticed Motoyasu was wearing a cup later I found out it was to protect his jewels from a "fat bird" as Motoyasu put it which caused a change in Filo she changed into a large familiar bird I'd seen before and kicked Motoyasu in the crotch. That caused Motoyasu to get angry he challenged Naofumi and I to a duel I declined as did Naofumi but Malty said it was a royal decree her knights surrounded us Motoyasu began shooting attacks of destroying the nearby buildings, carts and stands. The madness would of continued if not for a girl stepping in declaring she was princess Melty and that the battle would end as it was not prepared and was causing damage to everything.

Time Skip

I would later find out that Melty had been traveling with Naofumi and hadn't told him that she was royalty. I knew Naofumi's trust when it came to the royal family that's probably why he was angry with her. She wanted to talk to us both but I declined I told her she seemed nice but Naofumi didn't quite like the royal family neither did I. I left her with Luna and Nitra and went to dragon spiral hourglass to rank up.

Time Skip

At the hourglass I found out it was 15 gold pieces to rank up the nun thought she had us beat until I opened a rift and pulled enough out to rank Luna and I up I knew Nitra didn't need to as she had just joined us. It was then another nun came forward and told us that the king declared that the staff hero and shield hero were forbidden from ranking up at the hourglass. That's when the nun smirked the hourglass glowed and  a message popped up "level cap ignored rank up to senior mage, Wolf demi human rank set to shadow assassin: do you wish to continue?" I tapped yes which caused Luna and I to glow then it was over the nuns had a look of shock "what happened?" one asked "we don't need you" I told her I took Luna and Nitra. I explained to them what happened maybe since I was the staff hero I ranked up slowly but gained levels quickly and whoever was in my party shared in this gift with that I set out to either find the next stone or maybe fight a new monster.

A/N: Hey hey guys here's the latest chapter hope it's a good not to much action but trust me there will be more in the next chapter. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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