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About a week later

Alex stayed the night with John, though John didn't pay much attention to him.

He was to worried about his mother.

She was coming down with a harsh disease where she could barely move.

She was coughing and puking. She complained about everything hurting and she only seemed to get worse as time went on.

John stayed by her, helping her with everything she needed.

"I'll handle dinner tonight, ma. Don't worry about it." He said, at her bed side.

Eleanor smiled and touched her eldest sons cheek. "I love you, Jack." She whispered, her voice making it obvious how ill she really was.

John ordered take out and brought his mother some soup.

Alexander watched through the bedroom door frame.

The boy brought his mother the tray filled with soup, crackers, and some water.

"Here, Mama. I'll feed it to you." He whispered, sitting beside her on the bed and bringing a spoon to her mouth.

His mother ate it, looking at Alexander.

"When are you two going to start dating?" She whispered.

John furrowed his eyebrows and looked to the door, biting his lip at Alexander.

"I don't think we ever will..." he spoke softly before standing, walking over to the door.

"I'll be up to the room soon." He told Alex, earning a nod as he shut the door.

"Can I tell you something?" John's dying mother spoke, receiving a nod from her son, who walked over to her side again.

"You look at him the way I used to look at your father. I know you want to be with him. I can tell. And I just want you happy, angel." Eleanor told him, putting both of her hands over one of his.

John bit his lip harshly and nodded. "I'll get my chance one day." He whispered, giving her a sad smile.

Eleanor nodded and leaned back on the bed. "Can I tell you something too?" John spoke.

"Of course." His mother replied, taking a sip of the water.

"You know that art school I really wanted to go to but dad said I couldn't? Well, I applied and got accepted."

Eleanor gave John a big smile. "I'm so proud of you. You really are an amazing boy." She said, squeezing his hands.

John nodded a bit and hugged his mother. "I love you." He whispered sadly.

John's mother hugged him back. She had gotten smaller lately. She was already a small woman but she had only gotten smaller from the lack of food staying in her body.

"I love you too, Jack." She spoke before coughing harshly.

John rubbed her back gently though it didn't seem to help.

John started to worry more when he saw blood come out.

"I think we should take you to the hospital-" John said, moving the rest of food.

Eleanor shook her head. "No, no. I'm fine." She said as she started to calm down.

John frowned. "Mama... I'm worried about you." He whispered

Eleanor shook her head and gave a small smile. "Don't... I'll be just fine." She told him.

John slowly nodded. "I love you..." he whispered.

"I love you too, Angel."

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