I Know

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Alexander bit his lip as he pulled Hercules and Lafayette behind the school.

"What do you need?" Lafayette asked, eager to get to lunch.

"Look, I really like John." Alexander said bluntly, seeing a grin appear on both of their faces.

"What are you waiting for? Go get him!" Hercules said, trying to shoe him away but Alexander shook his head.

"There's a problem." Alexander mumbled, biting his lip harshly, enough to draw blood.

Lafayette raised an eyebrow. "What is it, ami?" He asked, clearly wanting to hear this.

"Well- you know we graduate in a couple months and we were all going to go up to New York? Well John's not going. He is going to Rhode Island." Alexander started. "And I know it's only like a three hour drive but that would get expensive taking trips back and forth every weekend." He finished, sighing.

Lafayette and Hercules both looked confused. "Since when is John going there?" Hercules asked before Lafayette smiled brightly.

"Oh my god! He got accepted! He never told us if he did or not-!" Lafayette said excitedly before calming down and looking at Alexander.

Lafayette knew John would quit his dreams of going to that school for Alexander.

He knew John and he knew he would do this, especially considering his father also wanted him to go to school at Columbia University in New York, New York.

Lafayette gave Alexander a serious look, one that told him not to say anything wrong and that Lafayette was about to give him important instructions.

"Do not tell John, Alexandre." He said calmly, though his eyes told how much of a big deal it really was.

"You know John will give up on this dream if you told him. You know that isn't fair to him." Lafayette added.

He wanted John to go to RISD, knowing it would be the best college for him and he didn't want anything standing in his way of going there, including Alexander.

He had been wanting them together for years for years but right then, the timing was just terrible and it wouldn't be right.

Alexander sighed and shook his head, looking at his feet.

"I know." He mumbled quietly.

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