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Alexander sat on the end of John's hospital bed.

He just had a few bruises and scars, though Alexander was worried.

He gently leaned over to John and kissed his head a couple times.

"You're safe with me." He smiled gently.

John nodded, though he wasn't smiling.

He felt terrible.

Later that day, Alexander got to take John to his dorm. He was going to stay there just until Sunday to make sure John was okay and Charles wasn't near him.

John was laying on the couch, his head in Alexander's lap. Alex was running his fingers through his hair as they watched Love, Simon together for the millionth time.

About halfway into the movie, John sighed and sat up, pausing the movie and turning to Alexander.

"We really need to talk..." he mumbled, looking down a fidgeting with his fingers.

What he had to say really worried him, especially after everything with Charles.

Alexander looked at John and nodded. "Okay, baby. What is it?" He asked.

John took a deep breath. He knew Alexander wasn't anything like Charles but he was was still afraid.

"We-well... I-uh... I don't Think we should... um... d-date..." he mumbled, obviously nervous.

Alexander looked upset but he understood. He nodded gently. "If that's what you want, then okay. I respect it." He said.

John nodded a bit. "I mean- just for until I graduate! Th-then I'll move to New York a-and I'll get a job and if we still have feelings for each other, we can move into an apartment while you finish law school and we can just be together in the same town and the same time!" He said quickly. That was what he wanted.

He just didn't want to date and have Alex cheat on him again.

Alexander nodded. "That sounds perfect, John. But we can still see each other throughout the year? And during the summer? I don't have a family to go to. We can spend Christmas and Thanksgiving together too."

John nodded, smiling a bit now. "Yes. And we can still kiss... and cuddle... and have sex..." he mumbled the last one under his breath, not even sure if Alex heard it or not.

Alexander smirked a bit at the last one, though he didn't bring it up.

"And we can just be friends who happen to love each other." Alexander added.

John nodded. "Yes, we can just be friends who happen to love each other." He smiled.

Alexander gently kissed John for a moment. "Will you wear your bracelet?" He asked.

John nodded and stood up, going and grabbing it from his drawer, taking the pictures he had put away of him and Alex out too.

John slipped the bracelet on before going to the pictures, putting the graduation one back on his nightstand.

He went to the Love picture frame and took out the picture of him and Charles, throwing that one in the trash and putting in the picture it had before of him and Alexander cuddling.

That day seemed like forever ago.

But John remembered it like yesterday.

Alexander left on Sunday night and the two went back to how they began:

Friends with benefits

The End !!

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