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Quick note: all the chapters are quite long now so that's cool 😎


John stood anxiously in line at graduation.

It just felt crazy.

It felt like freshman year was just yesterday.

"I can't believe we are here!" John said, smiling brightly.

Lafayette chuckled. "I know, mon ami. It's -how you say- crazy." He smiled.

Lafayette was in front of him because their last names had the first two letters in common.

He wished he stood by Alex though.

Alexander was valedictorian, so he would be on stage the entire time, as well as having his name being called first.

John was actually quite nervous too. His whole family was in the stands and he hadn't told his father he was going to Rhode Island.

They began to call names, Alexander's being first.

Alexander James Hamilton, our 2019 valedictorian, proud member of the debate club, and a perfect 5.0 GPA. He will be attending Kings college in New York City and study to become a lawyer.

John cheered loudly for him, even if he wasn't supposed to while in line.

He watched as Alexander put on his sash and took his diploma, shaking their principles hand.

Alexander took his seat, smiling brightly.

Other names began to be called, each one making John more anxious.

When they got to the K's, Lafayette hugged John tightly.

"I'm so proud of you!" He cooed. He knew John had a tough year but he was just glad to see him push through it.

John smiled again, hugging back. "I'm so proud of you!" He said back before Lafayette let go.

He turned around and his name was called.

Marquis Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier De Lafayette. Graduating with a 3.5 GPA and proud member of the Baking Club and the Tennis team. He will be attending Kings college in New York City for business management. He plans to open up his own bakery.

John cheered for Lafayette as he walked across the stage and shook both the principles and Alexander's hand.

John's name was next. He started to walk as they called his name.

John Henry Laurens. He has a 3.8 GPA and is a proud member of our Soccer team and the art club. He plans to attend the Rhode Island School of Design and study to become an artist.

John shook the Principles hand and took his Diploma. He glanced up at his father who looked angry. Martha, James, and Henry were clapping and yelling though, which made him smile.

John walked to Alexander and held out his hand to shake.

Alexander took it, though instead of shaking it, he pulled him close and kissed him.

John was shocked but kissed back.

The kiss seemed to last forever before Alexander pulled away.

"I love you." He whispered before he let go.

John smiled nervously and nodded. "I love you too." He said quietly before leaving the stage.

He knew he would be questioned by Lafayette and Hercules.

And he knew he would be in huge trouble at home.

John walked to where Lafayette was, biting his lip.

"How long have you two been dating?" He asked right away.

John sighed and leaned on the wall Lafayette was on. "Three weeks. He said he wanted to keep it a secret." He mumbled.

Lafayette nodded. "John... I know you're happy that you guys are finally together... but please don't change your dreams for him. Go to Rhode Island, not New York."

John hesitated to nod. "I have to see what happens with my dad. He not only didn't know I wasn't going to Kings, he didn't know I was gay." He whispered, looking down.

Lafayette frowned and hugged John tightly. "It'll be okay. If anything happens, you can stay with me, Alright?" He asked.

John nodded a bit and leaned on Lafayette.

Hercules came and hugged them both. "We aren't in high school anymore!" He cheered.

John and Lafayette both laughed quietly.

"No, we aren't." Lafayette said gently as Hercules let go. "Do you want to go to Taco Bell after this?" He asked.

John nodded a bit, as well as Lafayette. "I know most of our class is going to Red Lobster but I would rather get tacos."

Lafayette nodded in agreement.

Soon, everyone was called to walk back out there as Alexander gave his speech.

John looked up to see his family gone. He frowned and looked down until Alexander spoke.

"Wow... I can't believe where we are. Four years... it took four years but we are finally here. Some of us will be attending college... others will move on with their lives and end their education here. Whatever you do, just know you have the chance to get what you want. Do it. Except for Jefferson. You'll never amount to anything." He started

"This diploma is a gate way to many career options. You get to choose. Just do what will make you happy. People find happiness in different things. You may find yours in a career, in an object, in a show. I finally found mine. It was with a person. John Laurens is one of my many dreams. He is happiness in one. He gives me hope to carry on in life. You can find that happiness. Get it and keep it. Thank you." He finished before walking down with the rest of the graduates, sitting next to John.

John smiled to him and kissed him.

"I love you..."

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