Awkward{Chapter V}

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Jp Throne
When I got home I was still annoyed by Eli and this party almost to a point where my problems weren't changing. I was finding myself in deep trouble, I had been flirting with Dr.Jackson every chance I got. I sorta felt bad because I did mind but at the same time I didn't really mind it because of the terms Eli and I were on.

The guilt ate me alive though, like for gods sake he was married and not gay. I felt like I was taunting with his sexuality but if he knows what he like then it shouldn't be a problem and the blame shouldn't be on me. I was lost in my head with my problems I forgot that my party was tomorrow and today was Friday.

Now I had more to stress about, I was a fashion king so if I looked like a hot mess I wasn't showing up but I had to be there because it's my event for God's sake. I knew what I was wearing but if I couldn't find it then it will be no me showing up. As I'm looking for my wrapped up outfit I was interrupted by Eli walking in my room unexpected.

"So I know your party tomorrow so can I come?" He asked bothering my soul
"Eli I already told you, you aren't coming so why keep asking if I'm not going to let you come! You killing me with this bullshit DAMN!" I yelled to him
"Why you gotta be hostile? I just wanna be there for your big moment because I know how important this is to you" He replied

"I don't want you there and that's the end of that! You just wanna be a hoe at my party and I don't have time." I answered back
"Bruh no I'm not I strictly wanna be there for you and only you! I love you Jp, I wish you understood that shit!" He screamed to me
"No you don't because if you loved me you'll get off your ass and if you loved me you'll show me some respect!" I stressed to him

"Yo! What did I do? You all tense because I didn't get up and find a job when you wanted me to?" He asked
"YES BITCH! This is my shit and I pay the bills in this shit! You paid your half yes you did but ever since you lost that fucking job you've been laying around acting like a worthless slob! I'm not raising no man that's dead! That was your mom's job not mine so start acting like a man and not a little ass boy!!!!" I threw a shirt at him out of anger and he got mad so he charged at me.

While in the closet he's punching me and I'm blocking his hits trying to get him off me. I finally break free and punched him and slapped him.
"GET OUT! GET ALL YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT MY MOTHERFUCKING HOUSE!" I said as I grabbed his belongings and threw them into the hallway of the apartment

"You wanna cause a scene?! HUH?" He said pulling on my arm
"Let my arm go! I'm not playing with you bitch!!!" I yelled pulling my arm away from him
"SO YOU JUST GON THROW ME OUT LIKE THAT?!" He yelled as I was about to close the door
"YEAH BITCH! Don't come back!" I shut the door and sat on my conch just thinking

He kept banging on the door but I threatened to call the police so he left. I was embarrassed he made all my neighbors come out their apartment and witness everything. I was suppose to be professional and have class but apparently not. He made a fool out of me and it ruined my ego. I was already stressed out and this just made me upset.

I grabbed a wine opener and grabbed my famous pinot noir wine and drunk my sorrow away. I kept refilling the glass and replaying "I should've cheated" by keyshia cole, warm tears poured down my face as I listened to the music and sipped my wine.

I couldn't believe him, he was everything I could ever want in this whole world, the first man who didn't downplay me. I was at my lowest right about now and I needed someone to talk to so no other people to call was my friends.

I called everybody up and they rushed to save the day, I loved them for that. We were always looking out for one another and I couldn't ask for anything better. After awhile They finally came, I opened the door for them and they comforted me.

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