Shambles{Chapter XXI}

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Jp Throne
On Saturday Eli came to pick up his things from my house. I can say that I was happy that he was gone but I felt bad for the way he found out. I had to pay attention to my job though because I was losing focus.

Kyrie and I started up our little fling again and it became harder for me to share him all because he was still married to that white skinny hoe.

I couldn't be foolish because for 1 he never made any promises to me and for 2 he was married, and not the fresh type of marriage either they were some years deep.

It disgusted me every time I thought about it. I became selfish I must admit but I couldn't help myself. At first I wanted things to stop but now I can't keep him off my mind regardless of the circumstances, I was starting to have feelings for him.

I had to slow down though because if he wasn't getting rid of her then I was going to continue to pretend like I didn't fall deep.

He was so attractive it was almost sickening I just hope that we have a future together.

When I got to work it seemed like a lot was going on all at once. I could handle it but my mind was somewhere else, if I didn't function right then it would soon become a problem.

I was so relived when it was time to go to lunch, sometimes I hated this job. It just requires being on my feet for too long.

As I was walking to the court yard I felt my phone vibrate in my coat pocket. When I looked at the phone it read "come see about me on the 2nd floor after lunch".

This whole thing was so middle school/high school ish but I didn't mind.

I liked being his little secret I just hoped that I wouldn't be one for long. For right now though I enjoyed the sneaky links.  It was the thought of being caught that made me have a rush.

I went to go order my food then went to sit down, I was in a very good mood so whatever we were talking about today wouldn't make me feel no type of way.

Hopefully no one was in their feelings and was going to talk because last week was hella awkward.

"Okay so how is everybody doing? Because last time we weren't talking so what's going on everything okay?" I asked in a excited tone

"Why you so excited for? It's too early!" Yanaí snapped

"Naí chill it's damn near 12:00 why you so cranky?" May asked her

She just ignored her and started to eat her food.

"Well what about you May? Are you doing okay?" I asked her trying to change the subject

"Yeah I'm doing okay, I have something to tell y'all but y'all can't tell her I told y'all I don't think she wants anybody to know yet" May said

"Tell us what?" I asked out of curiosity

"Well Kamora came to stay with me she's having a hard time. So I'm helping her until she's back on her feet" she replied

"Oh wow, and how is that for you? Kendall is okay with that?" I asked

"Not at all we was arguing about it Saturday but Kamora came downstairs interrupting us. I don't care though because Mora is my friend and if she needs me I'll be there for her." She told us

"Well I don't know why she's ashamed we're her friends, and plus we grown everybody go through something every now and then" I responded

"Yeah you right but how are you?" May asked me

"I'm good, I've been sticking to this diet so nothing can go wrong can it?" I said with a fake smile

I knew damn well everything wasn't good, I couldn't tell them Eli caught me cheating though. May would definitely shame me about Dr.Jackson being married etc it's just too much.

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