Loading{Chapter VII}

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Kamora Gray
Today was a big day for me, I still had to go to work regardless of my big event happening tonight. It was big because of what it meant to me but of course it wasn't as major as my friends made it.

This was nothing compared to Jp's event it was something with classical music,refreshments and wine. I got ready for work and off I went, I rode the subway and reread my story just to read it from a different perspective. I wasn't satisfied so I just waited for my stop.

I walked in the diner and Nadia was staring at her phone, I was about to clock in but she stopped me.
"Hey! I was wondering when you were going to show up" she said

"Yeah I take the subway you know it's really slow especially on weekdays" I replied

"Oh damn I could start picking you up! Just give me your number and I'll swing by to grab you I don't think the subway is safe in the morning nor at night" she said

"Aww that's sweet of you. Here, I won't bother you much I don't wanna be a burden" I said

"Don't be bugging, I fuck with you so of course I'll do you a favor without hesitating" she replied

I just smiled and started to get ready for the customers. She was so sweet to me for no reason, I knew she sorta had a crush on me but woah!

The whole day I was thinking about inviting Nadia to my event but I didn't know how to ask. Something in me felt like she was going to say yes but I didn't know. I finally worked up the nerve to ask her because what the hell? Why not?

"Nadia?" I called out
"Yes?" She said looking up from the plates she was grabbing

"I'm having a book release party tonight and I'll like for you to come...I mean only if you can if your busy I'll just let you do what you have to d-" I blabbed on

"Relax! I'll show up, what's the address?" She asked
"Maine Street, Lucy's book store" I replied

"I'm there" she said with a smile
I blushed to myself and continued to wipe off the counter. As I was about to leave Nadia stopped me and offered to drop me home, I took her up on her offer and thanked her when I got out.

I knew if I took the subway home I would be late to my own event. I quickly got ready and rushed over to the bookstore by catching a cab when I got there it looked marvelous.

Everything was in place like I planned it to be. I set my table up to prepare myself to sign books for tonight. I was praying a lot of people would show up because I really needed this book to bring me benefits.

I was struggling and this waitressing job was barely bringing anything in. It was now 10:00 everybody was there including my manger, I rushed over to her as soon as I saw her.

"How's the pre ordering going online?" I asked
"Well I just checked it not too long before I got here and the sales are fair for a book that just dropped" she replied

"Ah that's good to hear I just hope it's successful like the last one because lord knows I'll lose my mind" I replied

"Well you don't have much to worry about just focus on signing these books tonight, have fun and stop pressuring yourself you're a hard working young lady I believe in you" she told me

"Thanks but let me tend to my guest I don't want to be rude"

I walked away and walked up to where May, Jp and Yanai were having tea.

"Where's the alcohol? You know I don't like tea well I like it but damn I need something hard!" Jp scoffed

"Listen! This isn't that type of party this is classy you know how I am! Stop acting like you don't and just enjoy the damn event and there's wine" I replied

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