Upside down{Chapter XVIII}

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Kamora Gray
My heart dropped when I saw that my friends came to the diner and I guess it was one of Nadia's stunts because she didn't have 4 tables.

She only had my friends and another group but she wanted me to do it because she knew that they didn't know about my job here.

It was embarrassing because I didn't get to tell them on my own but instead Nadia had to sabotage me. She's been pulling little stunts like this for a while now and honestly she was pissing me off because what she was mad over was so petty.

After they left I was livid with Nadia so I had to go over to where she was and give her a piece of my mind.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You're so selfish and full of shit" I said as I walked up to her

"I deadass don't know what you talking about and honestly I don't like how you coming at me" she replied

"Yes you do, you lied talking about you had 4 tables knowing damn well it was only 2. You just wanted my friends to know my secret, a secret that I tried to keep from them because I was ashamed of it but you don't care because you want to have your cake and eat it too. You're a fucked up person and I say that because you don't care about nobody but yourself just a selfish motherfucker" I walked off on her once again

I was getting so sick of her jealousy it was dead running me up the wall because it was pointless. She's the reason for all this if she would've answered my call I wouldn't be dealing with Kj at all but since she didn't I'm all over him like green on grass because I wanna be his girlfriend one day.

If I'm being real I'm glad I didn't commit to a relationship with her because if I did that would've been bad news for me. After work I clocked out and walked outside where Kj was waiting on me. He was dropping me off and picking me up everyday and I was so grateful for it. When I got into the car he smiled at me and just stared at me for a moment.

"Every time I see you you're always staring at me" I said to him

"I like looking at you because you fine as fuck even after a long day at work but don't worry that's soon to change."
He said as he reached over to kiss me

"You good Why you all quiet?" He asked when he put the car in drive

"I'm just pressed because Nadia keeps fucking with me" I told him

"Soon all that shit will be over don't worry about that ma" he told me as he reached over to squeeze my thigh

We pulled up to my house and he gave me one last kiss.

"Ima see you in the morning, maybe we can go on another date sometime this week" he suggested

"Yeah maybe" I replied as I winked at him

He just flashed me that precious smile and I walked into my apartment building.

When I got upstairs I saw another paper on my door but it was a paper that no one wants to see like ever. I ripped it up and just started crying, I've reached the end of the line and I couldn't beg because my landlord was such an asshole she didn't care anything about financial issues she wanted her money ASAP.

I walked inside and just sat on the couch just feeling worthless and torn. I got up and started to pack my things out of anger.

I wanted to be out of here very soon because I knew how she was. She was probably saying this apartment was available as I packed. That night I went to sleep on a empty stomach because I wasn't in the mood to eat. My appetite was completely gone due to all the stress I was feeling I was so emotional because I didn't know where I was going to go next.

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