Hell{Chapter XVII}

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Kamora Gray
Things with Kj and I were constantly improving and we were getting closer as the days passed by.

I liked him a lot and he really made me happy, after dealing with so much negativity half my life it felt like a breath of fresh air to deal with someone who wasn't controlling or psycho.

He wasn't perfect but he was the right one for me. The date he took me on Saturday was fun and exciting, we went to the movies and later soaked in his hot tub.

I admit we almost had sex but we didn't because I prefer to wait until I know that I'm staying with him.

Then on top of that I feel a little uncomfortable about my body, Jalen was fully responsible.

He never let me show my body off and when I did it was a problem I was confused on why he never let me show it.

That was behind me though I couldn't let the pass effect my future. I moved to start over for a reason, so fuck Jalen and what he did was wrong but I was bigger and stronger than all of it.

However, living with May was somewhat becoming more comfortable but I didn't let that distract me from getting my own place.

I was busting my ass at the diner just so my paycheck can be super large.

Then again I was carrying May and Kendall's baby, I'll have to be more careful and mindful about how long I worked.

I didn't want to get terminated because of how big I was going to get. Even if I'm impregnated with this child I'm still going to work my ass off.

It was nice what May was doing for me,taking care of me and all for the pregnancy but I needed to get out her house.

I didn't know when was the right time to tell Kj that I was being a surrogate for May but I didn't think it was anything too deep.

I'll tell him whenever I get ready to, I wasn't going to hold the secret like I do everything else.

I felt like he had a right to know because we're basically together.

Meanwhile at the diner Nadia has been still messing with me trying to make my life a living hell.

Maybe she thought I'll quit but that was completely out the picture, I wasn't going to let anybody run me out of having a job.

It didn't pay much but it was something besides it was temporary.

I got ready for work and prepared for Nadia's foolishness.

There was no words that could describe her pettiness, but I didn't let it get to me anymore because it was beyond me.

I clocked in and started to take orders and wipe up the countertops. I wanted it to be a regular day so badly but Nadia just didn't go a day without bothering me.

As I was cleaning off the counter after a following customer Nadia walked over and stuck her gum that she was chewing to the table.

I was fed up but I couldn't act out because I'll get fired.

I scrapped the gum off the table and scoffed, when was this shit going to stop?

Probably never she just couldn't get enough this was a certain high to her.

The day was ending and I was relieved because I was so tired. As I go to clock out my boss calls me.

I walk in her office to see what's the problem.

"Yes?" I said as I sat down

"You're about to leave right?" She asked me

"Yes? What's the problem? You need me to do something before I leave?" I asked her

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