Too much{Chapter XV}

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Yanaí Tate
I haven't felt this way since my last relationship. Since I've been seeing Cook he made me feel like I was floating on air and that I couldn't do no wrong.

He was everything I wanted in a man but as I said I knew I couldn't have him. I got ready for work and got a text
from him saying that he wanted to see me tonight.

I was excited because the dick was so bomb he had me second guessing. I went to work and knocked everything out and then started to talk to May and Jp during lunch.

"So what's up with y'all?" I asked

"Well it's the same thing with me, although my peoples are having a cook out tonight. They New Orleans asses always wanna party. That's where I get it from, but anyways I'm excited because this crawfish is about to hit different" Jp said

"Ooouuu bring me a plate back and what about you May is everything good with you?" I asked

"That's if some is left but I'll try" he told me

"Yeah I'm good for now but I stopped by Kamora's house last night she told me she was straight but I don't believe her" May said

"She's definitely lying, I know something going on" Jp added

"She's having troubles with finances but I know it has to be deeper than that. I just wish we can help her" she said

"We can't help her if she doesn't help herself by telling us what the fuck is going on" I said

"Just give her time Yanaí" Jp said to me

"No because I'm sick of this shit!
Kamora is grown as fuck so she needs to open her fucking mouth" I yelled
with a slight aggression

"Just chill, I'll help her out don't y'all worry" May said

"Well somebody better help her out because I damn sure can't, I'm not captain save a hoe. She's my friend and I love her but I won't babysit a grown ass women" I said

"Yanaí you need to pray" Jp replied

"No, you need to pray!" I joked and said

"Let's just get back to work" May added

When I walked back into the hospital Cassie from the front desk told me that I had mail. I was confused because most of the time when people needed to reach me they'll text my phone.

"Who the hell sending mail to my job?" I asked as I thought out loud

"Maybe it was someone who doesn't have your number or address so they probably just sent it here" Cassie said

"Bitches weird I tell you that much" I replied as I opened the letter

When I opened I instantly wanted to rip it up and throw it away. It was from my family, my sister was in the hospital because she was soon to have a baby. I didn't communicate with my family after they disowned me years ago.

My parents never supported my wishes of going into the medical field. It was a tradition to go into dentistry but I didn't want to do that because I've always wanted to work with babies.

My family still communicated with me though like nothing ever happened but they only did that to make a fool out of me so I just stopped showing my face.

I say they disowned me because that's what it felt like. After my shift I made my way home, I was driving as fast as I could because I was seeing Cook tonight.

I was so into him it made no type of sense, I was disgusted about my feelings for him but it was nothing I could do about it because it was all emotional.

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