Crumble{Chapter XIX}

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Jp Throne
Eli and I weren't speaking to each other like that. He was working like a slave all because he wanted to.

He was picking up extra hours just to be away from me but I didn't care because this gave me time to think.

I was headed to work and I was still trying to swallow the fact that what me and Dr.Jackson had was over.

I was frustrated emotionally and sexually because obviously Eli and I haven't messed around since we got back together.

I walked in the hospital and headed up the elevator, I was so depressed about not seeing Kyrie anymore like he was literally sitting on my brain 24/7 none stop.

I was walking with my head buried into my phone and I bumped into him usually I'll get annoyed but I was happy.

"I apologize I should've been paying attention" I said trying to walk away because honestly I wanted him to stop me

"It's not your fault" he smiled at me and kept walking

You could tell he wanted to engage in conversation with me but something was holding him back.

I just didn't know what it was, it sorta bothered me to know this. I believe in my mind that his wife was up to something but then again I couldn't start Investigating because I had my own problems and besides that was her husband.

I knew he didn't love her so what was the reason for it all? Him cheating on her? He had to have a reason well not necessarily because I was cheating but I had no good reason.

All day I couldn't stop thinking about him just like I was thinking about him  for this past week now I never knew he'll have such a strong impact on me.

I lusted for him and I also wanted to be with him it was so confusing and hard to understand. I had to put my issues aside with all this madness because I still didn't tell my friends about the robbery.

I believed I was ready to let everybody know but that was weird and very surprising because I never imagined something like that could happen to me.

The whole day I kept thinking just reflecting on every last detail that has happened these last couple of days and weeks.

When it was my lunch break I felt awkward because I wasn't sure what I was going to act on.

I was ready to come clean with my secrets but my heart wouldn't let me do so, my mind knew it was the right thing to do though.

I ordered a vegan burger then went to go sit at the table where it was only me and May we were both waiting on Yanaí to join us.

When she came to the table she looked like she was up all night.

"You okay Yanaí?" I asked her because I was worried

"Yeah are you okay you don't look too good" May added in

"I'm fine, I'm just sleepy as fuck" she said

"Oh okay because you had me shook for a moment" I said

"Yeah me too but I'm glad you okay" May said

The whole table was quiet for a moment nobody seemed like their self and honestly it wasn't a good thing. Seeing them like this made me feel less ashamed of what I had going on personally that I didn't reveal. I wasn't the only one going through something.

Funny thing is, we all had something bottled up inside and instead of confiding in one another we kept it to ourselves. Which lead those things to eat us up inside.

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