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It was the summer after my second year in college, I was bout ready to drop out.

The parties were scary and the only reason I stayed is because my parents and my friend Bella.

Bella was my only friend so if I left I'll be alone again and I didn't want to be.

We were going to the bar because I wanted to celebrate for making it through college and plus we were meeting our boyfriends there.

I met Jalen through her boyfriend Daniel, both Jalen and Daniel were frat boys. They loved to party and get drunk it wasn't a moment when they weren't drinking.

"Bella hurry up you're taking years, it's only Daniel he loves you for what you are" I said

"Kamora don't be silly you always have to look good for your man and sometimes being half naked is the it factor for that. I don't know why you let Jalen boss you around and let you wear these big ass sweaters, I haven't seen your legs since our first year" she stressed

"It's not a big deal and he doesn't boss me around I feel comfortable like this" I told her

"Sure you do!" She said

I just ignored her and we made our way to the bar, Daniel and Jalen were already there drinking up something.

I walked in and gave Jalen a hug, he hugged me back and kissed me. The whole night we were having so much fun, over here chugging all the beer that the bar had to offer.

I remember when our college lives seemed so simple and lovable, you never know what you're getting yourself into until that person shows you all their red flags.

I was already in too deep to ever quit on Jalen, I was too blind to see anything that was wrong.

I saw pass all the red flags he were showing me all because I didn't want him to leave and I felt I needed him.

Jalen was very controlling he always wanted things to be his way and if I didn't do it his way he'll yell at me.

After college we decided to move in together and it was the biggest mistake of my life.

Never in a million years have I ever dealt with someone like this, he was beyond the norm of anything.

We moved in this house in a suburban area, the houses were huge and the neighborhood was very friendly.

Everyone showed care and respect once we got there but what was happening behind closed doors was a different thing.

Till this day I had horrid flashbacks on these memories that I experienced.

It was one night when I was typing up my book that I never got to publish, but I had been working on it because I wanted it to be published.

Jalen was in the room and he came out to grab something from the fridge. I was still at the computer typing my life away, then all hell broke loose.

"What did I say? I been told you to get off that computer and come to bed" he said sternly

"Jalen I'm trying to get this book done with before the deadline. This is important to me why can't you understand that!" I replied with authority

"Who are you yelling at? If I say get off the computer that mean get off I don't need your back talk now get your ass off that fucking computer" he said with a calm tone  

He never really raised his voice but the way he said things made me shutter sometimes.

Before we were years deep in the relationship I used to defend myself but then there came a point where I didn't care anymore.

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