Battles{Chapter IX}

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Kamora Gray
Today was the big day, I was going on a date with Nadia. I was somewhat nervous but excited at the same time.

After I left work Nadia drove me home so I can get ready, She was coming back after she freshens up too. I walked in the house and took off my work clothes,got in the shower and then brushed my teeth.

I styled my hair into a ponytail and threw on my striped pink and white sweater,light denim jeans and my all white vans. I had basic style, Jp hated it so much but I wore what made me comfortable.

It was around 8:30 o'clock when she texted me to come outside, Nadia was full of surprises the type of surprises that if you looked at her you wouldn't expect her to be who she is.

Nobody can stereotype her because even if you do you'll be completely wrong. I got into the car and her hair was in this pretty curly bun and she wore a black leather jacket, a yellow body suit with all black jeans and yellow& black converse.

"You look nice" I said
"Thanks you don't look too bad ya self" She replied with that beautiful smile
I stayed quiet the whole ride, because I was too shy to speak. We pulled up to the restaurant and I instantly got out because I was hungry. We got inside and I ordered my food and so did she, as we waited she started a conversation.

"So what's your deal? You're an author and a waitress? What's up with that?" She asked

"Ugh, it's sort of a lie I've been living. I haven't told my friends I work at the diner all because of personal financial problems I'm having" I told her

"I figured, I knew they were clueless when they met me. People usually mention new people they meet when they get a new job" she replied

"Yeah I'm sorry about that but I'm kind of ashamed of this little occupation I have going on. It's just for me to get back on my feet, but enough about me why do you work there?" I asked

I knew her response was going to be deep because of the way she sat up and from the really deep breath.

"Well I work there because I'm a loser. I've been there for years and honestly it's not something to be proud of. It's gotten to a point where my customers have "usuals". I remember their order and they remember my face. I really wish I took college more serious than I did. I had this big dream of being an artist,I was good too. I had high expectations for myself and so did my family but once I started hanging out with the wrong crowd and getting involved with drugs and alcohol shit went left. My parents kicked me out and from there I had to provide for myself. Now I'm living in a tiny apartment in Harlem and work at that shitty diner we both call our job."

"Damn and I thought I had it rough. Do you still speak to them?" I asked

"Nope, they disowned me as their child. They don't even call me for holidays or my birthday. It doesn't bother me though because I'm used to it. I'm convinced." She replied

"That's fucked up, I can never imagine my parents not talking to me. Parents are our glory, we can't live with them and we can't be without them." I said

"Yeah you're right but I'm living proof that you can. I'm strong on my own, as long as I live that's all that matters to me. What's your story though?" She asked

I had a pretty good childhood so I wasn't ashamed to talk about it.

"I had a pretty descent upbringing if I'm being real. I went to college and graduated high school. I was always a loner, I only had one friend until I met the three that you saw at my event." I said cutting it short

"What happened to that one friend?" She asked
"Oh. She was murdered." I simply said
"Damn I know that probably was hard on you. Losing the one person that you called a friend." She said

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