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Senior year
Last year was so hard for me, I was getting bullied all the time.  It wasn't physical bullying but the things they said about me was disturbing and disrespectful.

Everybody had something to say about my sexuality if it was in person or on my social media page, back then it used to bother me so much but now it was different because my self esteem had improved.

My mom notified the school but of course they didn't do anything. I was so ready to escape this town and move on to college and have the job of my dreams.

I got up and got ready for school I was so over school by now and it wasn't because of the work and teachers it was strictly the students.

I was just hoping deep down inside that this year would be completely different from last year because back then I was a lost and confused boy.

After brushing my teeth I grabbed my book bag and went downstairs and kissed my mom goodbye and rushed out the door before I missed the bus.

While on the bus I played my favorite old school soundtrack until I arrived to school. I only had a couple of friends but they weren't as smart or dedicated as I was.

They were always skipping and school was their last concern and I only hung out with them because they were good people aside from all that.

When I got off the bus Karissa was waiting on me right along with our other friend Dalvin.

"Took you long enough, I don't understand how you take the bus that shit takes too long" Karissa said

"Well not everybody have a damn car like you do" I replied as I rolled my eyes

"I'm so tired fuck all of what y'all talking about" Dalvin said

"For what? You don't do shit!" Karissa replied

"Fuck you girl, I was doing tricks last night" he said

"Unt un bitch, too much info"I added

"Whatever...hold up who is that? Daddy is FINE!!!" Dalvin asked as he looked at Xavier the football player

"Dumb bitch that's Xavier he been going here" Karissa answered back

"Girl don't get slick with me but anyways he's daddy as fuck! Don't you think so Jp?" He asked me

"Yeah He is" I simply said

I wasn't too big on complementing straight boys anymore because I learned my lesson last year.

I had a crush on this boy but he was straighter than a pencil and it just left me feeling horrible on the inside so I vowed to myself that I will stop liking straight boys.

During class I saw that Xavier walked in and the first thing I thought was why the hell he had to have this class?

I was going to be so distracted because he was just that admiring.

I had to remind myself though, the vow was important and I had to follow through with it or I'll be in the same position like last year.

After a million people introducing themselves it was finally Xavier's turn.

"Wasgud everybody my name Xavier, I'm on the football team and it's about to be a lit season and year" he said

I blushed but just a little don't fucking judge me I couldn't help it. After the bell rung I headed to my locker to meet up with Karissa and Dalvin.

"So He has your class I see, I need that class then because good lord" Dalvin said as he glanced at Xavier

"You need help like now" Karissa said to him

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